Vibrators and other sex toys, it turns out, aren't just the playthings of the young and promiscuous. According to a recent survey of 246 people, the typical sex-toy user is a married, middle-class, thirty-something, Christian, Republican, white woman. Even medical writer Michael Castleman, who authored the survey, conducted by the Lawrence Research Group, was surprised: "I thought the results would show [buyers] to be more liberal, for one thing, and somewhat less monogamous." Perhaps it's time to rethink some popular assumptions about married, middle-class, thirty-something, Christian, Republican, white women. If you're looking for action, consider a Dole for President fund-raiser.
The South Carolina legislature recently considered whether to revise insurance rates for high-risk drivers even though 86 percent of licensed motorists in the state have clean ten-year driving records. Possible explanation: 75 percent of the legislators don't.
"I wish I could remember, but chances are it was something like, 'This is a test.' Engineers, most of the time, are not poets." -- internet pioneer Vincent Cerf on the first words transmitted over the network
According to a study by O'Reilly & Associates, percentage of Americans who do not have access to the Internet: 98.