Induction**Course**Instructors**Women**Cadets / cover**Lie detector tests**Curriculum**A-pa-m**Ma-ul-ter**Motionless following**Surveillance detection**Weapons training** Mishlasim / dead-letter boxes**Threat analysis**Meetings security**Photography**Computer hacking** LAP
Although katsas are primarily recruitment officers responsible for handling agents under their charge, they are trained intensively in all the skills that an effective agent requires to gather information and carry out operations in personal safety. They, in turn, must teach their recruits everything they need to know. Some of the techniques learned in the Academy are described below.
Screening for candidates to train as katsas takes at least one year. As backgrounds are checked as far back as birth date. A class consists of about fifteen people picked out of perhaps 5,000. The class / course is held every three years or so, but only if there are enough qualified recruits.
The course begins with several days of testing in the field designed to gauge the affinity of recruits for deception, and to test their physical and psychological limits. The whole system involves taking the proper candidates to begin with, then molding them over time, through a well-orchestrated course of propaganda brainwashing.
katsas are brought in for a term from the field to give instruction and guidance. There are no regular instructors, and there are no quotas. No one passes who does not qualify, and the course takes about three years.
There are women combatants, but not women katsas. Women are more vulnerable, and Mossad's main targets are men. Arab men. They can be lured by women, but since the Mossad believes that no Arab would work for a woman, they can't be recruited by women.
Recruits or cadets are told never to talk about work on the phone, never to mention the word Mossad they use Office instead, and are given a suitable training cover for the information of any who might inquire.
Cadets are informed that, as katsas, they must take lie-detector tests every three months, or after every trip outside Israel. This is a feature of the advice since given by the author to other security services.
The main subjects in the first two or three months are security (apam), reports (called naka), general military and Cover.
General military includes tanks, the air force, the navy, structure of bases, neighboring countries, their political, religious, and social structures.
Apam intelligence operational security includes learning to follow and how to tell when you are being followed. It is fundamental to the survival skills of any katsa. The procedure for detecting whether you are being followed is called the route routine. In Europe, if a katsa says he was followed, the station would cease to operate for a month or two until it could be checked out.
Ma-ul-ter is a technique for detecting whether you are being followed, or for improvised following with a vehicle when the use of it is unplanned. The essence of the technique is to eliminate the possibility of coincidence. motionless following
One surveillance technique to determine a subject's schedule is motionless following. An observer in one place watches the subject for a few days to see where he goes. The observer is then replaced by someone stationed at the limits of the first observer's view to plot the next stage of the subject's progress.
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Surveillance detection is a preplanned activity that places members of a security team along a designated route. Once an officer detects a tail, he calls it in, and the team takes position. The officer then passes through the testing area, and the tail is verified and identified.
Contact is made with the subject and, after each encounter, the katsa meets back at the safe house with the station head or his deputy and files two reports using Na-ka, a uniform Mossad writing system.
katsas are issued a .22 Beretta, but seldom carry the weapon in the field.
However, if they do draw the weapon kept inside the pants on the hip they are taught to shoot to kill. They fire as many rounds as possible into the target, followed by a coup de grace, using flat-tipped bullets to maximize injury. They are specially trained to shoot from under café tables, in corridors and other spaces where they might be surprised.
A bystander will be witnessing your death or someone else's. If it's yours, do you care if he's wounded? Of course not. The idea is survival. Your survival. You have to forget everything you ever learned about fairness.
katsas are trained to assassinate agents who go astray when metsada / komemiute cannot send in the kidon unit. The methods focus on identifying the patterns of the target agent's behavior.
katsas are trained in commando techniques as well.
Katsas use Mish-la-sim or dead-letter boxes for drops, but never pick-ups one from an agent. They are trained: to place the item quickly.
Make the item look inconspicuous when carried to the drop,
Make the location simple to explain to a contact, and
Make it inconspicuous for the contact to carry the object away.
The object may be disguised and attached by magnets to something. The Mossad has a section to manage the dead-letter boxes.
A slick is a hiding spot in a living space that is easy to reach but difficult to find. Hollow doors, newspapers and ordinary objects that look deceptive are commonly used
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Katsas learn to respond to threats in relation to the target.
First, is the target Israel or an Israeli installation in a base country? If so, you would burn your agent in a target country if necessary to meet the threat.
If the threat is to any other target NOT ISRAELI, you could divulge the threat to the target as long as you do not give up the source, you could transfer the information either anonymously or in return for a future favor by identifying yourself.
If you could not transfer the information without endangering a source, you would not, or at most you would issue a vague warning likely to be lost amongst so many others.
This is why the Americans and French in Beirut were not warned about the threat to their troops.
Katsas learn how to set up meetings in base countries, often in restaurants. Agents should enter first in order to make sure they are clean. If the contact gets up and leaves during the meeting, don't wait for him to come back. He might bring back a gun, or he might just be setting you up for someone else.
Mossad has an arrangement with security at various hotels: officers are registered and assigned a room number for messages. katsas are trained by hotel security in how not to draw attention from security by acting in ways that may cause employees in the hotel to advise security.
Katsas take an extensive course in international business, their perpetual cover. They learn how a business is run, managerial structures, the relationships between executives and shareholders, duties of a board chairman, how stock exchanges work, how to do mail purchasing, how to prepare overseas contracts, how to ship goods COD and FOB, and anything else they need to know about how a business works.
katsas are trained in extensively in photography, both in the operation of cameras (including hidden cameras, telescopic lenses and night photography equipment) and the development and partial development of film using chemicals.
Katsas also have access to motion picture quality video equipment that can easily be concealed in a brief case.
Transfers using the trunk of a car and a duplicate key are sometimes used. If a document is to be returned it can be photographed by an using a pre-focused camera before the documents are returned to the trunk.
A paper is sometimes used to copy a document. It is placed on top of the document underneath a heavy object where, after some hours, an image of the original is transferred.
Katsas know how to invade the police computer(s) in Israel, without the knowledge of the police.
In order to succeed in operations against the perceived enemies of Israel's most ardent Zionists, the Mossad betrays the confidence and subordinates the security of Israel's allies, and abuses the blind devotion of Jewish communities in the West.
The Mossad conducts operations in and from base countries only with the naive, but enthusiastic, help of Jews in the Diaspora who provide all means of logistical support for its clandestine operations, usually in response to a simple appeal, no questions asked.
If these Jewish helpers Say-a-nim are included in the total, Mossad easily numbers 35,000 agents around the world, of whom perhaps 20,000 are active at any time. foreign policy by mossad