Using Northwestern's Web resources
NUInfo, Northwestern's World Wide Web server is a tool for finding information about Northwestern. It provides connections to the majority of the web servers on campus as well, in an attempt to provide the most complete source of online information about NorthwesternAbout Northwestern includes an introduction to the University, a welcome from President Bienen, phone & email directories, NU news, and information on Web resources.
Administration and Services includes a listing of links to all the Administrative offices of the University and all the departments that provide services to faculty, staff, and students.
Admissions & Financial Aid includes a variety of information of interest to those wishing to apply to Northwestern, including Admissions, Financial Aid, and Housing.
Alumni includes information on events of interest and resources available to Alumni of Northwestern University.
Classes and Teaching includes information on courses and registration for graduate and undergraduate study, University College and Summer Session classes, and workshops offered on campus.
Events, Activities, & Performances includes information on Northwestern and Chicago athletic events, theatre performances, movies, and other events and entertainment happening around campus or downtown.
Research includes information from the Vice President of Research and Graduate Study's office about research centers, support facilities and funding opportunities.
Schools and Colleges provides a list of undergraduate, gratuate, and professional schools and programs at Northwestern University.
Student Life provides information of interest to students at Northwestern ranging from career advising and computer services to food and entertainment.
Individual departments and standard footers
Many departments have designed their own web pages and may have different mechanisms for navigating among their own pages. However all official Northwestern Web pages should have a footer containing the following information:
- Date of Last Update or Revision
- Contact information (Name, Phone Number, E-mail Address)
- a link back to Northwestern's home page (
The following is only true for those pages belonging to NUInfo proper, which can be identified by the NUInfo banner:The Banner
The banner provides a link back to Northwestern's home page from all pages of NUInfo proper (excepting the NUInfo home page itself).Navigation Buttons
Every subsequent page of NUInfo proper has a set of text navigation buttons at the bottom of the page.
The Help button provides access to instruction on how to navigate around Northwestern's Web resources.[Index]
The pages the Index button links to are alphabetical listings of the majority of the information available on NUInfo along with links to other official Northwestern Web servers.[Search]
The Search button links to pages providing tools for searching NUInfo and the rest of the internet. NUInfo Search is currently unavailable, but the links to other searching tools exist.[Directory]
The Directory button connects to pages providing easy access to a number of phone, email, fax, and homepage listings.[NUInfo]
The NUInfo button returns the you back to Northwestern's Home Page.
[Help] [Index] [Search] [Directory] [NUInfo]World Wide Web Warning and University Policy Statements