Here's how to write to various NPR programs. Please do not send
general questions to the postmaster. Please read the FAQ before sending e-mail to us. In most cases you
will receive an automatic response, which is necessary due to the volume
of mail we get each day.
A few additions to the FAQ:
- Info about musical bridges between stories is available for All Things Considered and
Weekend Edition
Sunday only.
- CarTalk does not have an e-mail address
- If an e-mail address is not below or in the FAQ, it doesn't exist :-)
- Transcripts are not yet available online. Call 202-414-3232 to order by phone
- Yes, we read everything we receive!
The List:
You can send bug reports, suggestions, flames to:
This page, and all contents, are Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 by National
Public Radio, Washington, D.C.