Netlib Attribute-Value Database

This is an index of the Netlib Attribute-Value Database. Please type a query in the search dialog. You may use freeWAIS-sf query syntax.
This is a searchable index. Enter search expression:
Attribute names:
(global indicates that the field is included in the global index that will be searched if no attribute name is specified)

Search Examples:

  1. To seach for single precision routines in the lapack directory that do Schur factorization:
        file=lapack and file=single and Schur
    (since the lapack single precision routines are in the lapack/single directory)

  2. To search for curve fitting or gams class E1 and its subclasses:
        (curve and fitting) or gams=e1*
  3. To do a literal search for 'cosine transform':
        'cosine transform'