W e l c o m e t o C h u m C i t y I n t e r a c t i v e

[citytv] [muchmusic] [bravo]

Sprite Obey Your Thirst Contest

The CRTC wants to know what you think of Citytv coming to the Nation's Capital

Your chance to win CyberSlam Seats to an upcoming Raptors game.

Watching TV: Historic Televisions and Memorabilia from the MZTV Museum
New at the Royal Ontario Museum. See the MZTV web site. Go to the exhibition.

Citytv is proud to be the premiere media sponsor of the
1996 International Digital Media Awards

"The problem is not too much television. The problem is too much of the same television"

Moses Znaimer, President/Executive Producer, Citytv/MuchMusic/Bravo!

At 299 Queen Street West in Toronto, the building that shoots itself, the staff of CityInteractive are hard at work bringing the excitement of our Living Movie to the Internet.

A triumph of localism, Citytv's high-energy, information-driven program "flow" has been steadily defining the Toronto landscape since 1972. MuchMusic is a real-time live, perpetual combination of show-specific and video-flow music entertaiment. Bravo! is Canada's 24-hour New Style Arts Channel, featuring dance, music, opera, visual art and the art of talk for viewers with a taste for a different kind of television.

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