Appendix 1

WMST-L Listserv and Listserv Archive
WMST-L Listserv
Official name:  	WMST-L
Location:               University of Maryland
Coordinator:    	Joan Korenman 
Joan Korenmans
e-mail address:         KORENMAN@UMBC2.UMBC.EDU 
                        KORENMAN@UMBC.BITNET  (Bitnet)
(to subscribe): 	LISTSERV@UMDD.UMD.EDU  (Internet)
                        LISTSERV@UMDD.BITNET  (Bitnet)
(to post messages):     WMST-L@UMDD.UMD.EDU 
WMST-L is intended primarily to serve the academic and professional
needs of people involved with Womens Studies as teachers, researchers,
librarians, and/or program administrators.  Both women and men are

SUBJECTS COVERED: The list gives people an opportunity to ask questions and exchange information about teaching strategies, useful texts and films, innovative courses, minors and graduate programs, problems that Womens Studies programs encounter, etc. WMST-L welcomes announcements about relevant conferences, calls for papers, job opportunities, publications, and the like. WMST-L also serves as a file repository for syllabi, bibliographies, feminist film reviews, and other files related to Womens Studies.

Special Features: WMST-L exists in a Digest form which comes as one large file containing most of the WMST-L messages of the past day.

WMST-L can also come as an Index of the days messages. The Index includes the name/email address of the writer, the subject header s/he has provided, the number of lines, and a message number for each message.

WMST-L Archive

DESCRIPTION: WMST-L messages are automatically archived. The 1991 archives are arranged in monthly logs; beginning in Jan. 1992 they were changed to a weekly format. ACCESS: To find out what logs are available, use e-mail to send LISTSERV@UMDD.UMD.EDU (or LISTSERV@UMDD) the following command : INDEX WMST-L You will receive a list of available logs. To retrieve a log, send LISTSERV the following command: GET WMST-L [FILENAME] where FILENAME is the name of the log file you want. InforM (University of Maryland gopher) has a pointer to the Women's Studies Online Database, which is actually an FTP site for many of the news items sent through WMST-L. The benefit of the InforM archive is that it is divided up by subject, so it doesnt take long to find what you are looking for. To access the InforM Women's Studies archive either FTP or Telnet to InforM or access it via gopher (See Appendix 2 for a more detailed description of InforM Womens Studies Database) . Address: user: annonymous (if you're using FTP) cd/inforM/Educational_Resources/WomensStudies/
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