Note: In order to use these components, you must be running the Danish version of Windows 95.
Internet Explorer 2.0
(Download: 1,170KB, self-installing exe file, Published: January 16, 1996)

For detailed information and download instructions for the Updated drivers for File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft and Netware Networks, click here.

Updated driver for File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
(Download: 144KB, self-installing exe file, Published: January 17, 1996)
Updated driver for File and Printer Sharing for NetWare Networks
(Download: 153KB, self-installing exe file, Published: January 17, 1996)

Download instructions for the following files are located at the right:
Unimodem V
(Download: 332KB, self-installing exe file, Published: March 15, 1996)
Data Link Control (DLC) Protocol
(Download: 200KB, self-installing exe file, Published: January 26, 1996)
Microsoft Exchange Inbox Update
(Download: 798KB, self-installing exe file, Published: January 17, 1996)
Windows 95 Shell Update
(Download: 425KB, self-installing exe file, Published: January 17, 1996)
IrDA (Infrared Driver)
(Download: 274KB, self-installing exe file, Published: January 15, 1996)
Service for NetWare Directory Services
(Download: 363KB, self-installing exe file, Published: January 8, 1996)
Enhanced Password Cache Security Update
(Download: 271KB, self-installing exe file, published: December 13th, 1995)
Download Instructions

Internet Explorer 2.0 Download Instructions:
  1. You must be using Windows 95 to run Internet Explorer 2.0.
  2. Click the link, "Internet Explorer 2.0."
  3. If you're using a previous version of Internet Explorer, click Open File to automatically upgrade your existing version.
  4. If you're using a different browser, save the file in a folder on your computer.
  5. Double-click the file to extract the program files from the executable file.
General Download Instructions:
  1. Click the file that you want to download.
  2. Save it in a folder on your PC.
  3. Extract the files from the executable by clicking the file.
  4. Open the readme.txt file for further instructions.