WelcomeWelcome to the Microsoft Employment Opportunities Job Listings: an easy, fast, and stress free way to explore the positions available at Microsoft and build or submit your resume. No more messy Sunday paper ink! Search our job listings by job categories, your dream location, or keywords. Microsoft encourages you to build or submit your resume even if you don't find the job you are looking for. Remember with the increasing growth of Microsoft, new jobs and new departments are created almost daily. So, dream of your favorite category, location, or keywords and find your perfect job!
Click here if you want to search for jobs in categories such as Development, Marketing, and Sales.
Microsoft has many Sales, Support and Consulting jobs around the country and around the world for qualified applicants. Right now, this database includes a wide range of positions around the World.
You may want to get a list of jobs that mention a skill like "Internet", or "MBA." You can use this form to look up listings in this way.
Build Or Submit Your Resume Online If you want Microsoft to take a look at your qualifications, we encourage you to go here and tell us about yourself. | |
and support workplace diversity. | © 1996 Microsoft Corporation |