(disclaimer) |
| Listen to classical music from Seattle in real-time; tune in for the live broadcast. |
| Great graphics and interface. And lots of great info, too. |
| Very nice web design and cool graphics (love those lens flare effects!) plus links to lots of other cool places, too. |
| Don't go looking here for great prices on SIMMs or monitors; just a fun local web page. |
| Dig around this site for creative in-line AVIs and cool graphics. |
| A virtual department store; browse the aisles without getting run over by a renegade cart. |
| The "HK" stands for Hong Kong -- so if you can read Chinese that is a bonus. This site has one of the nicest and most intricate tables around. |
| This site in Belgium gives a bird's eye view on the sport of pigeon racing. |
| One word: COOL VIDEOS! Um, wait a minute, that was two words. |
| Two words: MORE COOL VIDEOS! Oh, no. It's happening again... |
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