Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 Common System Problems and Solutions
Errors appear when Settings on NIC are Verify settings on NIC. Make
configuring the network incorrect. sure the card is configured for
during setup. the settings specified during
Driver for NIC is not in Locate the appropriate driver,
the \I386 directory. either in the \DRVLIB directory
on the Windows NT Server CD or
on the disk from the NIC vendor.
This error appears during Boot drive is attached Use the Emergency Repair process
initial setup or when to a SCSI card that has to replace the driver. If the
booting NT: a missing or corrupt device is unsupported, get a
STOP: 0x0000007B driver or is driver from the SCSI card
Inaccessible_Boot_Device unsupported. vendor.
The card has not been Verify that settings on the SCSI
set up properly. card are correct and make sure
the card is properly terminated.
You receive this error The file for NTLDR is Expand NTLDR._ from source
message when booting NT: missing from Drive C: or media, or run the Emergency
it is corrupt. Repair process and select
BOOT: Couldn't find NTLDR "Verify Windows NT system
Please insert another disk files".
There is a disk in drive Remove the disk from drive A:
A: and reboot the system.
When booting NT on a dual The timeout value in the Open the BOOT.INI file in a text
boot system, it boots BOOT.INI is set to 0. editor and change the timeout
directly into NT without value from 0 to a greater value.
giving you a choice of
operating systems.
When booting NT you receive NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing Run the Emergency Repair process
an error stating or corrupt. and select "Verify Windows NT
NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing or system files".
corrupt. The ARC path in BOOT.INI Verify that the ARC path in
is incorrect. BOOT.INI points to the correct
drive and partition where the NT
directory is located.
When installing NT on a The BIOS on the system Contact the vendor of the BIOS
system with an EIDE hard or controller does not and obtain an upgrade to a
drive, NT is unable to support sector version that supports sector
locate the partition during translation. translation.
setup or it incorrectly
detects the size of the
This error appears when NIC is using an Use Windows NT Diagnostics to
booting into NT and you are interrupt or memory see which interrupts and memory
unable to attatch to the address that has already addresses are being used and
network: been assigned. select one that is not in use.
At least one driver or
service failed during
system startup.
The transceiver type Verify the transceiver type you
chosen for NIC is are using is set on the card and
incorrect. is also selected under the NIC
setup in NT.
You are unable to connect You are using NWLink as Verify that the frame type on
to the server from a client a protocol and there is the client is set to the same
machine. a frame type mismatch. frame type as the server, or set
the server frame type to
You are not using the Verify which protocols are being
correct protocol. used on the server and configure
the client to use one or all of
the same protocols.
There is a problem with Verify that the network and/or
the network. server is active by attempting
to connect from a few different
client machines.
You login to the network Another computer on your Make sure that your computer has
and receive an error that network has the same a unique name.
there is a duplicate name name as your computer,
on the network. or the name of a
workgroup or domain is
the same as your
When connecting to a shared You do not have proper Have the administrator either
resource, you receive permissions to access grant you permissions to access
"access denied" and are the resource. the resource or add you to a
unable to connect. group that has permissions to
access the resource.
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