8 march, 1996

bike week nite

I resist television
and leave for the purring road
the ever present roar
surf and cylinder

cruise down the strip
neon roar
dead animal skin

and machines

pull off and park near a beach


it is bitter cold
(I thought this was florida!)

empty car streets lined with motorcycles
aged and state of the art
they are all loud
when their owners sit

and rev
and roar
for twenty minutes
bang pop and swell

amongst the black and bike consumers
there are some truly leathered souls.
guys you pass

an instant whiff of the road
of being deeply fucked with
and rejecting a whole lot of shit

one such is even pleasant

larry, from York, PA
has a yellow honda touring bike
with two basset hounds
felonious assault the male
misdemeanor, the female
they are strapped onto sideboards
riding with larry tonight an hour to orlando

as larry layers demin and leather,

it is bitter cold!
I offer to help him with his chaps,
"have to learn to do it myself."

wandering the strip
commodity fetishism,

black t-shirts
leather goods
plush biker pig stuffed animals

I arrive at a bar
still cold,
we wait on the street
for access
to Froggies

we leave for the bank bar
the razorbacks are playing

crazy pompadour
shooter girls
in leather chaps and g-strings
pouring shots
into the band members mouths

I meet Natalia, from Argentina

slender, with aqualine features
she's a beautiful bold aries
distributor for Diesel clothing
I kind of want to get with her
she seems to want to get with me
but she's with her friends
and the music's too loud to talk
so we drift apart

G urges me

if I get near her
he'll take a picture
fuck that covert shit

we are to the old school
the Boot Hill saloon
bras hanging from the ceiling
closes right before we get there

G immediately hails a cab

on to the next thing
down a layer of lurid
"bottle clubs" and red light districts

daytona | life | Links from the Underground

new! | feechurs! | link lists! | life! | publish! | J's LfromU! | share the load! | huh?

Justin's Links from the Underground / www.justin.org
Yer Mama Net Productions / Justin Hall / <justin@cyborgasmic.com>