If you like what I'm doing here,
pleez send me money this web page costs $500 a month to support. I have no income, and I spend all my time working on this thing.
make your checks out to Justin Hall
send 'em to:Justin Hall
Swarthmore College
500 College Avenue
Swarthmore, PA 19081
Justin's Links from the Underground is become too popular to remain revenueless; the phone lines, computers, modems, let alone technical assistance - these are costing someone money, and it should be me.But I am a college student without income, who spends his profitable hours making personal pages. I like doing this web thing without concern for commerce.
I figure if you guys dig my stuff enough, you will support me, support this web site continuing noncommercial.
Some day, DigiCash will come along, and make all of this a whole lot easier. Your support will ensure I last that long, you know, software releases being what they are...I'm gonna put the ledger online, so we can chart the pecuniary progress of this page together. Include your e-mail address, please, and a few words or a link you'd like from your name in the ledger.
If you don't want your name listed as having made a deposit, be sure to let me know.
I'm doin' donations cuz | |
On Links from the Underground, you will find | |
no advertising |
no subscriptions |
but I can't no longer saddle Cyborganic with the load of my hits without monetary recompense.
Justin's Links from the Underground / www.justin.org
Yer Mama Net Productions / Justin Hall / <justin@cyborgasmic.com>