Here's some of the people who have visited our Web site:
Good site! Keep up the good work in supplying new info. I have been asking the provincial govt. to put something ike this together for over a year now. Glad to see someone is doing something to help educate the masses.
Excellent!! I'm a Business alum running a software shop in Edmonton. We do 99% of our business in the US with large companies. Lately, tons of interest has been expressed in our WWW offering. I did a law degree in the US and will pass this URL to my alma mater's webmaster, if that's OK by you!!!
Nice Page!
Great looking page!
Very nice job, keep up the good work.
Great stuff-lots of fun to browse thru the info you've listed and entered.
Very useful to be able to keep up with property developments. How about some conveyancing material ?
I'm a class of '89 graduate now living in Calgary - this is a great way to visit my old home - thanks!
Great Page!
I am surfing for information and I'm glad I found your page
Very nice web page, it is very informative.
Very Infromative. Good job.
Beneficial site - keep it happening!
Nice Job!
Good Work!!
I'm surf'n every law school in USC's locator index and your's looks good. Keep up the good work. We'll inform you when we get on-line
Nicely designed site. I'm looking for on-line materials for my philosophy of law students, most of whom are pre-law.
Most helpful. Thank you.
A great page, but can it tell me if I'm accepted to the law school? Now that would be a truly helpful home page.
I think that this is a great idea. Thanks U of A.
Guestbook is a good idea!
Great service all around.
Excellent work, just keep it up to date with changing trends
This is a neat home page. Check out the Queen's Law School home page some time!
Good going