City of Chicago


510 N. Peshtigo Court, 6th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 744-4111 (Voice) - (312) 744-1088 (TDD) - (312) 744-1081 (Fax)

BACKGROUND The Chicago Commission on Human Relations ("CCHR") is the City of Chicago agency which handles complaints of discrimination. CCHR is a neutral agency which receives complaints of discrimination in the areas of housing, employment, public accommodation, credit and bonding. CCHR investigates cases, conciliates them, and, where it has found substantial evidence (and no settlement agreement is reached), CCHR holds administrative hearings.

ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS CCHR's work is governed by the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance, the Chicago Fair Housing Ordinance and the Chicago Commission on Human Relations Enabling Ordinance. Also, CCHR has promulgated rules and regulations setting forth in detail the procedural and substantive rules by which it does its work.

Availability at CCHR The ordinances and the rules and regulations are available for free from CCHR. They can be mailed to anyone seeking a copy or can be picked up at the CCHR office (address and telephone number are below).

ORDERS, RULINGS AND SUBJECT MATTER INDEX CCHR issues orders and rulings concerning legal issues and disputes which come before it. These include the final rulings made after administrative hearings as well as orders concerning motions to dismiss, jurisdictional issues, discovery disputes and other matters. CCHR also publishes its Subject Matter Index which summarizes each component of every order and ruling CCHR has issued since 1990. The Subject Matter Index is the best way to find out whether CCHR has issued any order or ruling about a topic and to determine what the decision was. There are currently two permanent volumes of this Index and one volume which is updated on a monthly basis.

Availability at CCHR All three volumes of the Index are available for inspection at CCHR. The permanent volumes can be purchased for $15.00 and a one-year subscription to the updates may be purchased for $50.00.

The rulings and orders themselves are available for inspection at CCHR for free. Copies are available at the expense of the person requesting the material at $.20 per page. The Commission requires at least 48 hours notice to retrieve and make copies of requested rulings and orders. You may mail or fax a request for copies, addressed to the Commission's Adjudication Division. The request must include the case name, the case number, and the date of the ruling or order you want copied. A Commission staff person will call you when your copies are ready for pick-up and will inform you of the cost for the copies. CCHR office information is provided below.

Availability at Chicago-Kent All three volumes of the Subject Matter Index are included on this system; the first two volumes have been combined into one file. The third volume is updated every month. Each volume must be read to find all the decisions made in any area.

Subject Matter Indexes:

This computer system currently provides only the rulings made after administrative hearings. These are generally rulings concerning liability and, in cases where the respondent was found liable, rulings covering the complainant's request for attorney's fees. As yet, other orders are available only from CCHR.

CCHR OFFICE INFORMATION CCHR office is located at 510 N. Peshtigo Ct., Rm. 607, Chicago, IL 60611. CCHR may be contacted by telephone at 312/744-2853 (voice), 312/744-1088 (TTY) and 312/744-1081 (FAX).

Office hours are 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays and until 6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
