Elsewhere on the Web

Good Starting Points

Looking for FAQs

The central archive of Frequently Asked Question lists is available via FTP rtfm.mit.edu. A more limited, yet hypertext and searchable, archive is the List of Usenet FAQs.

Searching the World Wide Web

Locating information on the WWW can be difficult: its contents change hourly and it is impossible to completely index all the relationships. However, here are some good places to start:

Getting Your Site Listed

If, on the other hand, you want people to be able to find your page, you should also go to these sites and look for the "Submit Your Own URL" section - most have them. Put yourself down in a few places and word will filter around. Or, you can take care of many of them at once at Submit It!. Announcing Your Site is also good.

If you feel worthy, you can also announce yourself in comp.infosystems.www.announce.

Canadian World Wide Web Sites

Plus we have a small list Toronto Web Servers, which includes links to the home pages of other ISPs in Toronto.

About the Web


This is a very important issue in electronic communication. You should be aware that Web browsers, FTP clients and other applications may know your name. Servers to which you connect may log your name, so that "anonymous" FTP isn't so anonymous anymore.

Some Web sites concerned with this topic:

Odds and Ends

Internex Online