IndiaWorld Magellan's 4 Star rating

IndiaWorld Rated 4-Star site by MAGELLAN

Date:    Sat, 20 Jan 1996 20:28:06 -0800
From: (McKinley Review)
Subject: Your site awarded 4 stars by Magellan

Congratulations !

Your Internet site, India World has been selected by The McKinley Group's professional editorial team as a "4-Star" site. This is the highest rating an Internet site can achieve in Magellan, McKinley's comprehensive Internet directory of over 1.5 million sites and 40,000 reviews. As a Magellan 4-Star site, you are being awarded a special logo to recognize the hard work that has gone into establishing and maintaining your site.

Your site has excelled in our rigorous review process, in which we consider three primary factors: depth of content, ease of exploration, and Net appeal.

Congratulations again on your 4-Star award! We at The McKinley Group wish you continued success in all of your Internet endeavors.


The McKinley Group, Inc.