IndiaWorld - MODE

Opinion Poll

Welcome to the first IndiaWorld-MODE poll. It covers politics, cricket, investments and future intentions. This poll will be open till March 31, 1996.

A lucky drawing will be held at the end to select 10 winners. Each will receive a cassette of Hindi Film Songs (The Top Hits of 1995).

Thank you very much for your participation.

Politics in India

Which party would you like to see as coming to power in India?
Janata Dal & Left Front

Who would you like to see as the next Prime Minister of India?
Narsimha Rao
L K Advani
V. P. Singh
Jyoti Basu


Which do you think is the strongest one-day cricket team in the world?

Your vote for the Wills World Cup

Best batsman:     
Best bowler:
Best captain:
Best fielder:


Do you have (check all that apply):
Property/house/flat in India
Shares in the Indian stock market
Investments in Indian mutual funds/bonds etc.
Fixed deposits with Indian companies
Fixed deposits with banks in India

Do you intend to invest in any of these in the next 1 year? (Check all that apply)
Property/house/flat in India
Shares in the Indian stock market
Investments in Indian mutual funds/bonds etc.
Fixed deposits with Indian companies
Fixed deposits with banks in India

What do you feel is the overall investment climate in India?
Very poor
Very good

Future Intentions

Do you expect to come and live in India:
In the next 2 years
In 5 years
In 5-10 years
After 10 years
Possibly never : 5

If you come to live in India, do you expect to:
Take a job
Start your own practice as
Self-employed professional
Start a business
Live a retired life

If you want to take a job, your first preference as an employer would be:
A US or non-Indian company
An Indian multinational (i.e. multi-national companies)
An Indian company
Public sector/government
University/college/Academic Institutions

If you want to take a job / start a business, your preferred area of employment/business would be:

Other consumer goods
Food products
Computers/other hardware/electronic goods
Engineering goods
Financial services/banking

A few details about yourself...


Your age:
less than 25 yrs
25-34 yrs
35-44 yrs
45 yrs or more

Number of years in the country currently living in:

less than 2 years 2-5 years More than 5 years

Your education:
Undergraduate or less
Graduate/Post graduate - general (e.g.- Arts, Science, Commerce ...)
Graduate/Post graduate - professional (Engineering, Medicine, Architecture.....)

If Post Graduate/Doctorate: Your specialisation is:

Pure Science
Computer science/engineering
Business Management

Your occupation:
Teaching/research in a University/college
Employed in the private sector
Government service
Self employed professional (e.g. Doctor, Lawyer, Accountant, Architect...)
Own business

Email address (to participate in the lucky drawing):