[IEC] International Electrotechnical Commission

This provides some aspects of the International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC.
In questionable cases, please refer to official documents provided by the IEC Central Office in Geneva.

Some official documents
ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 - Procedures for the technical work (1995)
IEC Forms classified by form numbers,
Official IEC logo, and publication examples are available.
Guidance for convenors of Working Groups and Projectleaders (MS-Word) - Mirror in Chiba (RTF)
Guidance for TC/SC Secretaries - Mirror in Chiba (RTF)

You can consult IEC database at Central Office, Geneva. telnet iec.iec.ch with uid=demo-e and with passwd=initial92.

NOTE: This function is temporally disabled.

If you know a family name of an officer with whom you want to contact, you can send your message directory to him/her using e-mail address such as family_name@iec.ch. This is a new convention.

How to buy IEC publications and conditions of sale

IEC Activities Promotion Committee in Japan

GII Standardization - ISO/IEC/ITU International Seminar to be held in Geneva 24 to 26 January 1996

Marked up by Hiroaki Ikeda