Lucy Maud Montgomery, who wrote the universally beloved Anne of Green Gables, was born on the north shore of Prince Edward Island and raised in Cavendish
where she lived until she married at age 37. Anne of Green Gables has been
translated into 15 different languages and put on film. The story was
inspired by the land, the sea and the people around her. It in turn
has imparted an image of the Island that draws 350,000 visitors
annually from around the world to Green Gables.
Here in the pages of Lucy Maud's Island you'll find information about L.M. Montgomery and her work.
Much of the information here comes from the Kindred Spirits FAQ
and the L.M. Montgomery Mailing List, both of which are coordinated by
Anna MacDonald.
Lucy Maud Montgomery in Print
The Robertson Library at the University of Prince Edward Island has a good collection of L.M. Montgomery's work, as does the University of Guelph Library. The Library of Congress classification number for works by or about L.M. Montgomery starts with PS8525.O68.
By L.M. Montgomery
Fiction | Short Stories | Poetry | Non-Fiction | Related Works
About L.M. Montgomery
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