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What's new at Dischord?
Welcome to Dischord, a new magazine for the World Wide Web. Dischord is something special - a magazine of music, literature, politics and trash culture which aims to inform and provoke you, and question some of the received wisdom that threatens to turn us all into passive consumers of culture.

If you're a regular visitor to this site, you'll notice some changes in our look - thanks to designer Alan Lee and photo manipulator Richard Faulks. Future releases will see more original graphics, plus some nifty Netscape and Shockwave stuff - if you haven't downloaded Netscape Navigator 2.0 yet, do it now! Of course, none of this will compromise Dischord's main aim - to bring you some of the best writing on the Web, from journalists, authors, propagandists, rabble rousers, nogoodniks - and you!

Dischord does look much nicer when viewed in version 1.1 or later of
Netscape Navigator and it's almost as tasty in browsers based on version 2.1 or later of
Spyglass enhanced Mosaic.

What's Dischord all about? That's a tough one. In fact, it's dangerous to start defining what Dischord is, since it will stand or fall on feedback and comment from you.  Having said that, the starting point for this site has emerged as music and pop/trash culture. I see it developing as a way of expressing marginal opinions, challenging the orthodoxies of the increasingly dire style press, and generally provoking, questioning and pissing off our readers. As Dischord develops, it may well broaden its focus to cover  politics, literature, social histories of "marginal" groups - in other words, all the interesting stuff which exists outside the mainstream. 

If you agree that music & pop culture magazines have become either vacuous product-placement vehicles, or timid lifestyle guides, then get involved with Dischord now.

David Lubich, editor

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