
The Newsletter of the VCU Language Learning Center

Volume 2 Number 1 Fall 1995

In some ways not much changed this semester. Nevertheless, it has been even busier than last. During Fall semester 1995, we have seen twice as many students using the Language Learning Center than during Fall semester 1994. We are almost at 9,500 sign-ins so far but we don't think we'll quite reach that 10,000 mark.

This semester has also seen quite a turnover in staff. Brandi Wong, Richard Matthews, and Eoin Landers returned and were joined by Eric Dowdy, Heather Mack, Carey Johnson, and Wendy Vick. The lab assistants between them are able to speak fluent Spanish, French, and Russian. With the strong presence of Russian visitors on the VCU campus this year, having a Russian speaker in the Language Learning Center has been extremely useful.

One of the biggest changes in the LLC this semester has been the arrival of students from the English Language Program. Thanks to a special agreement between the Department of Foreign Languages and the ELP, ELP students are now able to use the facilities. Over the Summer, a large amount of English language software was loaded onto the computers ready for the Fall. Thanks to the hard work of ELP instructor Keith Boswell, the ELP program now has a wide variety of fascinating and useful software available. Many of the ELP students have also taken advantage of access to the World Wide Web via Netscape to take a look at pictures from back home.

The Department of Foreign Languages has continued its commitment to teaching with technology and this was seen in the new French Intensive course and in one of the German 201 courses. The French Intensive (taught by Dr. Kathryn Murphy-Judy and Sonja Moore) incorporated Web-based syllabi, homework activities, learning strategies, and general information. The German 201 course (taught by Dr. Robert Godwin-Jones) featured truly interactive assignments such as real-time chat via e-mail, on-line games, and student-produced World Wide Web home pages. The feedback from students was very positive and despite some apprehension about using so much technology, most students in no time became very familiar with many aspects of current technologies. We look forward to continuing the trend next semester.

So how do you feel about the Language Learning Center being open on the weekends? Sometimes, it is hard to get a feel for how much that service would be needed. Let us know. If you think you would use the Language Learning Center on the weekend, why not e-mail the Director Sonja Moore and let her know.

We would like to thank you for your continued support in the LLC. Stop by and see us in 424 Hibbs or give us a call at (804) 828-2320.

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