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This server is provided as part of FEMA's effort to enhance the exchange of information and communication between FEMA and the public. The server is still under construction as we add more information and services.

United States Fire Administration

WEATHER LINK As a service to our users, this will link you to important sources of weather information.

Nominations for Exemplary Practices in Emergency Management


FOR THE PERIOD March 3 to 10, 1996

Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period    739,899,611 
A chart of past connection statistics.

You are the 874255 person to visit the FEMA Homepage.

If you have comments please call the Office of Emergency Information and Public Affairs at (202) 646-4600, or write us at 500 C. Street S.W., Room 820, Washington, D.C. 20472-0001, or use our online form. Unfortunately, because of the thousands of users now visiting our Web site, we are unable to respond to all of the messages we receive. If we don't answer your message we hope you understand why, and trust that the comprehensive information available in the following pages is helpful.