Russian text
Welcome to Moscow Libertarium!
Be aware -- most materials are IN RUSSIAN!
Moscow Libertarium is a project aimed at the information support
of social activity and scientific research on the problems of liberalism
(that is "classical liberalism", also called libertarianism)
and liberal conscience.
The project is coordinated by the
Institute for Commercial Engineering,
its development guided by the
Councelors. More detailed info you
can get from the
Project's description.
We have translated several articles into English! There are:
WAIS Search on Libertarium materials.
Please tell us if the translation is worth the effort so
that we can decide whether to continue translation. Also notice that
this Project has English description too.
The contact info is at the end of this page.
Libertarium includes: (The following materials are in RUSSIAN!)
We will be glad to receive your comments and suggestions on our
WWW-server: write to
The technical coordinator by now is
Irina Bocharova.
You can also receive the information about Moscow Libertairum activity
by e-mail (address; by phone or by fax: (+7 095) 262-9367;
(+7 095) 262-3302.
(C) 1994, Institute for Commercial Engineering