FAGG info services

[CHIP] FAGG information servers


Mailing lists and e-mail addresses are netware based. Some lists are archived on the Web:

Our Gopher server

We don't find gopher all that exciting any more. It will be turned off by the end of 1994.

[Floppy]FTP servers

We have three FTP servers:
  1. Site at ikpir.fagg.uni-lj.si has lots of PC, Windows, Netware and TCP/IP related stuff.
  2. Site at gringo.fagg.uni-lj.si is at the time quite empty. These two sites are both Novell Netware based and Mosaic WWW client has problems with them.
  3. Site at audrey.fagg.uni-lj.si regularly mirrors some ( details ) Windows files ( winsock in particular), Pegasus mail and PC virus related files. You can subscribe to a mailing list to get a notice of what has been mirrored.
  4. To upload files to our servers, please use the uploads directories at ikpir.fagg.uni-lj.si or gringo.fagg.uni-lj.si

Search Engines

Other information provided by FAGG

Last modified: by Ziga TURK , FAGG.
©1993,94,95 Univ. of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy
URL: http://www.fagg.uni-lj.si/
comments to the Webmaster
Modified November 22, 1995