EMBL Outstations
Grenoble, Hamburg, Hinxton
The three EMBL Outstations each meld in-house basic science research, development of technology and provision of services to the international scientific community. The Outstations play an integral role in EMBL's efforts to spread molecular biology methodology, technology and scientific networks throughout Europe and Israel. Each emphasises programmes that enable visiting scientists take advantage of special resources for their research.
- The Grenoble Outstation. Located in France, the EMBL Outstation organises and facilitates structural biologists' experiments using two important resources: the powerful ESRF synchrotron and the ILL neutron radiation source.
- The Hamburg Outstation.This Outstation is located in Germany. For over 20 years, it has been the most productive site in the world for biological experiments using synchrotron radiation.
- The Hinxton Outstation. The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) is located at Hinxton, England (near Cambridge). It is a world center for management of sequence databases and cutting-edge bioinformatics research.
Author: David States
Last Updated: 19 July 1995