Other Links of Interest


* comp.society.privacy
The corporate and governmental abuse of privacy rights primarily in the United States. Of interest to anyone concerned about the erosion of privacy in the United States.

* alt.privacy
The corporate and governmental abuse of privacy rights primarily in the United States. Of interest to anyone concerned about the erosion of privacy in the United States.

* aus.org.acs
The newsgroup of the Australian Computer Society. The ACS has many areas of interest, but has particular interest in the welfare of computing and communications within the Australia.

* aus.org.efa
Similar to the EFF, but unassociated, the Electronic Frontiers Australia is promoting the equality of law and censhorship both within and without cyberspace.

* alt.wired
Wired, the magazine - the articles, the authors, the issues the magazine raises. Not just for fans of the magazine; It;s of interest to anyone concerned about the cultural, political, and economic issues raised by the development of worldwide computer networking.

* comp.org.eff.news
The official newsgroup of the Electronic Frontiers Foundation (EFF), a non-profit organisation dedicated to protecting civil liberties in cyberspace.

* misc.legal.computing
Devoted to issues in the computer world including intellectual property , censorship and privacy issues.

Links of interest

* Australian Government information

* Roger Clarke's guide to the Information Infrastructure

* The Hacker Crackdown by Bruce Sterling

* Download The Hacker Crackdown (268K ZIP file)

© Copyright 1996 Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc.
Last updated 17 Jan 1995 by Jonathon Coombes.