About our WWW server

The WWW server at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam has no official status. We use WWW to make information available from our research groups Computer Science and Mathematics.

The general info page provides more info.

The webmaster at this moment is Anne Steegstra and despite the name is a he.

More and more Rob Laan and Marieke Frohn are giving the webmaster a hard time ....

The data presented in these pages are provided as is. No warranty about any validity is given.

All pages are basically signed by the person maintaining that page. So if you have any remarks about that certain page, please contact the maintainer.

If you have any comments on our server, you can can send e-mail to

If you have any comment about a certain page, please give the maintainer some sort of notification and not your humble web maintainer....

Some statistics can be found here .
We are in the process of making more information available. The info now available is largely due to those people seeing the importance of the Web. In time other people within the faculty will also see the light.

8 december 1994