6th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning

September 20, 1996
University of Limburg | Maastricht

Current Information:
First Announcement and Call for Papers

* General Information

BENELEARN is the annual conference on machine learning in Belgium and The Netherlands. This conference provides a forum for researchers from these two countries to present their latest work and exchange ideas.

The sixth BENELEARN conference will be held in Maastricht on the 20th of September 1996, and will be hosted by the MAastricht Technological Research Institute for Knowledge and Systems (MATRIKS) - Department of Computer Science.

The official language of the conference is English.

Accepted papers will appear in the Proceedings of BENELEARN-96, which will be published by the University of Limburg, Maastricht.

* Submission

Papers relevant to the area of Machine Learning (theory as well as applications) are sollicited, including, but not limited to:

Papers are limited to 10 pages (using a 12pt Times Roman font, single-spaced, with 1 inch margins on all sides) including figures, title page, references, and appendices. The papers will be refereed by an accelerated procedure according to clarity and overall quality criteria, focusing primarily on their relevance to the conference.

Please send 3 hard copies before July 1, 1996 to:


A second call for papers, containing more information on registration deadline and conference fee, will be announced in due time.

* Programme committee

* Organising committee

* Further information

For questions, comments and submissions contact

Pages maintained and updated by Antal van den Bosch / antal@cs.rulimburg.nl
Last update: Wed Mar 13 1996