Welcome to the Department of Computer Science

Memorial University of Newfoundland,
St. John's, Newfoundland,
Canada, A1B 3X5.

Phone : (709) 737-8627
Fax : (709) 737-2009
Email :genoff@cs.mun.ca

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Guided TOUR of our department.


* News and Announcements This week's events.
* People at this department Come and meet our faculty members, staffs and students.
* Academic Program Information Courses outline, slots, handbooks and required text book.
* Lab Schedules Computer labs schedule and lab instructors schedule.
* Local Information Local services and homepages.
* Web related information WWW FAQ, web page set up, hot sever list and searching machines.
* User's Guide for the Memorial University computer system.

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Last updated Febuary 19th, 1995 12:35:33 by Boon C. NG