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Recent Theses in Civil Engineering at Carleton

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General Information

Mark Leone at Carnegie-Mellon has started a page entitled "Advice on Research and Writing". One of the entries there was written by many students at MIT and is called "How To Do Research In the MIT AI Lab". Both of these should be of interest to all graduate students.

Recent Graduate Theses

This directory contains some recently defended theses by graduate students in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Structural Engineering - Computers

Petr Srna
Interactive Analysis of Steel Beam-Columns Moment-thrust-curvature relationships, including the effect of residual stresses; design of steel beam-columns by CSA S16.1; finite-element analysis to determine capacity of steel shapes of arbitrary cross-sections. If you have X-windows capability, click here for an interactive demonstration.
In Progress. Advisor: S.J. Kennedy.

Fred Williams
A Standards Document Server. Describes a client-server approach for computerized building codes and standards, and presents the design of a server. The server protocol is based on HTTP of the World Wide Web initiative, with document markup based on HTML of the same project.

For more information, see the abstract, the slides used for the defense, the PostScript and LaTeX versions of the entire thesis (without figures), or try out an experimental version of the Standards Server software.
Defended: November 26, 1993. Advisor: Neal Holtz.

Last modified: Mon Aug 28 10:52:37 EDT 1995 by IVZ, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
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