If the computer you are using ( is in U Penn SEAS, please send mail to manager@noah-server.cis.upenn.edu and ask us to add your host to the list of permitted hosts. if you do that, you'll also be able to use the noah command to get dictionary definitions on regular text terminals.
If you are not in SEAS, but are a part of the University of Pennsylvania, you can make a request to your system support folks that you'd like this type of service for your machine(s). It probably will not become available right away, but it might someday.
If you are outside the the University of Pennsylvania, you're welcome to the code we've written so you can run your own electronic dictionary service, but you will need to license the data and access libraries for your site. Here is some info, if you'd like to pursue this further:
The data and library routines that the server uses to access the data are leased from InfoSoft. Our contact there is Peter Feloney.
Peter Feloney InfoSoft International 222 Berkeley Street Boston MA 02116-3764 Voice (617) 351-3000 FAX (617) 351-1115You would want to get the OEM version of their electronic American Heritage dictionary.