Engineering on the Internet
This is a list of indices to information resources related to various
branches of engineering other than civil engineering. See
Civil Engineering Resources
for specific resources related to civil engineering.
WWW Virtual Library: Engineering
- A good index to information resources for many branches of engineering.
University of Strathclyde CAD Centre Engineering Information Guide
- A general index to engineering resources, with emphasis on "Engineering
Association of Consulting Engineers of Manitoba
- Information about the provincial Association.
Cambridge University Engineering Department
- This server is under construction, with only two of the six divisions
(Electrical and Information Engineering) having information available as of
this writing (May 1994).
Delft University of Technology Electronic Engineering Group
- A friendly guide to TU Delft.
- The EnviroLink gopher server may be of interest to environmental
engineers, although it really takes to point of view of the "environmental
activist" rather than the engineer.
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