Welcome to ResumeCM! This is the newest service from CareerMosaic, a place where you can post your resume for employers to see. ResumeCM indexes the most popular USENET ".jobs.wanted" newsgroups each day, then adds the resumes of people who post theirs on ResumeCM. Recruiters and employers get the convenience of "one-stop shopping" and a search engine that allows you to search full-text (instead of only subject lines). Job-seekers also get convenience, plus the opportunity to reach many employers without having to lick a single stamp or feed a fax.
If you want to post your resume, go to Post a Resume. For tips on how to best prepare your resume, go to the CareerMosaic Career Resources Center. For thousands of hottest jobs from employers throughout North America, go to the CareerMosaic J.O.B.S. jobs database. You can always delete and resubmit your resume.
If you want to search the ResumeCM index of resumes, go to Search Resumes.