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The Q4 1995 BYTE CD-ROM is available now. It contains the complete text of BYTE for five years (1990-1994) plus complete text and graphics for all of 1995 -- over 1000 screen shots, illustrations, and photos. Boolean and proximity search are supported across the whole data set, or just selected sections (e.g. Reviews, State of the Art). Currently BYTE on CD-ROM runs only on Windows; ports to the Mac and other platforms are planned.

The CD-ROM features an integrated search-and-navigation interface; here's a screen shot showing the product in action. Here's a picture of the package. And here's the help file (162K) which describes in detail how everything works.

Order BYTE on CD-ROM for only $54.95 and receive the full text of BYTE from 1990-1994, plus quarterly updates that include full text and graphics since Jan 1995. Or order just the full text of BYTE on CD-ROM (text only) from 1990-1994 for only $39.95.

To place your order, call 1-800-924-6621 or use this order form.