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Using the BYTE Reader Service Form

Welcome to BYTE's Online Reader Service page, where you can request product information from any advertiser in the current issue of BYTE!

The Online Reader Service Form is designed to be used with your current issue of BYTE in hand. Enter the Reader Service Inquiry Card number for the BYTE advertisement on which you want more information. You'll find the number printed at the bottom of each advertisement.

Step 1: Entering one or more reader service numbers

To enter more than one Reader Service number, separate each number in the box with a comma.

Step 2: Selecting one or more product categories

Select items from the Hardware, Software, and General groups to receive information from all BYTE advertisers in a given product category. To select more than one product category item from a list, hold down the CTRL key as you click on items.

Step 3: Telling us where to send the info

Fill in this section to receive free product information. We must have your complete name and address to process your request.

Step 4: Winning a free subscription to BYTE on CD-ROM

Tell us about yourself and be entered to win a free one-year subscription to BYTE on CD-ROM! Drawings will be held each month. Existing subscriptions will be extended.

Enter your responses to the five questions on the form. To select more than one answer for questions #3 and #4, hold down the CTRL key and click on each item.