Welcome to the UC Berkeley WWW home page. Click on the
categories above, or scroll below where there is more information
about each category, or use the search
page to help you locate a resource.
- Campus Information
An introduction to UC Berkeley
(About the University of California, Berkeley);
as well as general information about campus programs and services.
Specific sites include:
Academic Calendar;
General Catalog and Course Descriptions;
Campus News and Events;
Directory Information.
- Student Information
Information of interest to current and prospective students,
Undergraduate Admissions,
Graduate Admissions,
Financial Aid,
Registrar, and the
Schedule of Classes.
Campus Information
above also includes sites of interest to students.
- Teaching & Research Units
Web sites for UC Berkeley's 14 Colleges and Schools,
UC Berkeley Extension,
Summer Sessions Catalog,
as well as
sites for
Organized Research Units,
and other
teaching and research projects.
- Libraries & Museums
Information on the
UC Berkeley Library Web,
museums, and exhibits.
- Computing Resources
Information on
campus computing guides, services, publications, and groups.
- Student-Run & Other
Information provided by student-run servers.
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