Architecture and Urban Design Info Sources
This page is under development
This page is being reorganised into interest areas and
properly annotated.
We also intend to seek out info sources
other than Gophers. :-)
- Cornish Productions presents the recent work of architects in a multimedia format.
- Design Architecture
- Internet architectural resources guide by Jeanne Brown from The University of Nevada Library.
- Internet architectural resources guide.
- University of Michagan
- gopher://
- Venice
- gopher://
- Gopher per l'architettura
- There
must be a reason for this being here!
- Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Centre for Design
- gopher://
- Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Eindhoven University of Technology
- LAVA - A virtual studio on the Internet
- Carnegie Mellon Department of English
- gopher://
- Curtin University
- School of Architecture, Construction and Planning.
- Architecture at Auckland
- Auckland Home Page
Tour of Barcelona Pavillion
- Tour of World
- Mat Carr
Architecture home page.