Adobe Prepress Products
11 January 1996
Adobe Spins Off Prepress Products to Luminous
Here's the Press Release
The Adobe Prepress group
provides prepress professionals around the world with an integrated
family of electronic tools --
Aldus(TM) TrapWise(TM),
Aldus(TM) PressWise(TM),
Aldus(TM) Color Central(TM),
Aldus(TM) PrePrint(TM) Pro, and
Adobe(TM) OPEN(TM).
Combine them with other Adobe products and you've got the best
design-to-print publishing solution on the market.
Here's how design-to-print publishing works:
The Adobe Prepress Family
From the company that provides
leading-edge publishing applications.
Aldus TrapWise was designed for prepress specialists who work
with desktop-produced files daily. With TrapWise you can:
- Maintain your existing prepress production process,
while smoothing your prepress workflow.
- Create chokes and spreads automatically for all PostScript
elements, both in spot and process colors.
- Trap where you want, and on one page or many.
Aldus PressWise
is an advanced electronic page imposition program for the
printing professional. With PressWise you can:
- Produce precise, plate-ready signatures or multipage documents
in minutes, for use on a
sheet-fed or web press.
- Acquire complete control over page positioning, signature design,
and printers' marks.
- Save time, materials, and money, regardless of the size of the job.
Aldus Color Central is a sophisticated image and print server that
automates the output of PostScript files to numerous imagesetters,
color proofers, and other output devices.
With Color Central you can:
- Speed your workflow dramatically with automated, flexible
image and print management.
- Manage up to 16 queues to six different printers
on the Macintosh platform, or up to 56 queues to 22 printers
on the Windows NT platform.
- Record important print job information for later analysis.
Aldus PrePrint Pro is a powerful electronic preflight and separations tool
for use in high-volume production environments.
With PrePrint Pro you can:
- RIP a file to screen before sending it into the electronic prepress
- Batch separate numerous PostScript files unattended, including
trapped and imposed jobs.
- Link to high-resolution images during output and retrieve trap
network files created in Aldus TrapWise.
Adobe OPEN software is an electronic production manager
for off-the-shelf prepress applications.
With Adobe OPEN you can:
- Manage the entire prepress process, overseeing repetitive
tasks such as trapping, imposition, and image replacement for
multiple jobs and output devices at once.
- Define a "workflow pipeline" for each of your prepress processes.
- Use the advanced messaging system to keep up to date of the progress
of each job.
More Information ...
OPI(TM) Open Prepress Interface Specification 1.3 (15 pages / 58501 bytes)
OPI(TM) Open Prepress Interface Specification 2.0 *DRAFT* of 28 August 1995 (29 pages / 274 KB)
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) 6.0 Specification (121 pages / 374502 bytes)
The monthly technical publication distributed by the Adobe Prepress Group.
Each month, ASC contains important product and technical information on the
use and integration of Adobe Prepress Group products.
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