Happenings News, events, and recreation. 
What's happening at UB and around the world.


Daily World, National, and Regional News
USA Today, CNN Interactive, or Usenet
With Business, Lifestyle, Sports, and Science sections.
UB News via Usenet
Important announcements for policy, events, etc.
The Reporter
The weekly newspaper of the UB community
Other UB Publications
Including Interface, the CIT newsletter
UB's Alumni Magazine

Things to Do

The Reporter Calendar
This week's events around UB
The Center for The Arts
Upcoming events in the visual and performing arts
UB Athletics
University Union Activities Board (UUAB)
Campus films, music, etc.
Other UB calendars and schedules

Current Weather

Buffalo Weather from USA Today
Today's Buffalo Weather
Today's NY State Weather
From the UIUC Weather Machine Gopher
Weather World (from U. Illinois-Urbana/Champaign)
Current weather maps, satellite images, and forecasts for the U.S. and the World

Classified Ads

SUNY/Buffalo Classifieds:
things for sale, want ads, and lost and found
Western New York Want Ads
Worldwide Classifieds:
things for sale and want ads.
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The UBWings Staff - wings@acsu.buffalo.edu
Last revised: Friday, 01-Mar-96 10:20:29 EST