Cool Sites
This page contain pointers to pages and sites which we have found intesting.
There is no logic to the choices bar personal taste. New ones will be added at the top. If you think a site is worth a mention mail it to `'.
- Word of the Day
- Todays word of the day ... Sesame Street eat you heart out.
- The Open Scroll
- "dedicated to the freedom of art in the persuit of passion, brilliance and insanity."
- Emily Stern
- A wonderfully artistic site; fun `buttons' too.
- Mr. Showbiz
- A rather pretty page - always assuming you are using netscape of course.
- People to Go, Places to See
- As anyone with a hotlist knows, there are more fun, imaginative and informative sites
than minutes in a day. The most natural response is to move fast and keep moving. But
sometimes you have to settle in and saturate to get the full richness of a site. So here's a
more leisurely list of favorite Web pages that tries to follow Whitman's advice to "loaf
and invite my soul."
- The Realist Wonder Society
- A rather cute story server; very nice graphics.
- Doctor Fun
- The doctor fun cartoon. A daily updated cartoon similar to the Far Side. Also try their comic strip. See my personal favourite Dr Fun cartoons.
- CSotD
- Cool site of the day server.