Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts)

Oui, nous avons une page d'accueil en français.

Welcome on the CNAM server, in Paris, France (you don't know Paris?). You can come here via the subway.

Do you want to know more about the CNAM (in french only)?

Have a visit to the Musée des Arts et Métiers, (Museum of Arts and Crafts), our virtual museum of technology (pictures and texts in French).

You will find some curiosities of the Web.

There are also technical informations about the computers of CNAM (only VMS, at the present time).

Laboratories, institutes and departments of CNAM:

Omnes Docet

("It teaches to everybody", CNAM motto.)

The people who made the Web server of CNAM and the tools they used.

Why does the server keeps me out sometimes?

All questions or remarks about the CNAM Web server to :

This server does not speak for the CNAM.