- Welcome to the Writer's WareHouse.
- Warning!
- It's easy to get in here, but hard to get out!
- You have been warned!
Here you will find short stories and poems to read,
save, download and maybe even publish somewhere else!
(please let us know first)
We encourage new submissions from anyone out there in writersville.
All types of entertaining fiction in short story form are eligible.
Note; we do not consider excess profanity as networthy.
Our readers span all age groups including children.
- So what are you waiting for?
- Dig out those old stories you've had hanging around on floppies.
- Send them in! Get published!
- You too can be lost in the WareHouse.
- Visit the WareHouse often.
- There's no telling who may show up!
- (hint: we have a few -special guest appearances- in the near future)
- WareHouse Space Currently Available For:
- *Science Fiction
- *Children's Literature
- *Cyber Adventures
- *Elegant Poetry
- *Fishing Stories
- *Dream Sequences
- *Stream of Consciousness
- *Life Experience
- *Hard Core Humor
- *Human Interestings
- *Miscellaneousness
Suggestions for Contributors
Email a description of your story and the first few paragraphs.
No compensation will be given for this area.
(except worldwide exposure)
All writers retain copyright to their individual works.
Full credit (bylines) and email addresses will be included.
Please read our Writer's Guidelines before submitting material.
Please email your comments & suggestions to:
Editor interface@dataflux.bc.ca
Good Luck and Good Writing!
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