Under the Help Getting Started Section section we have basic information on creating a home page and what must be done at UMBC for your page to be made available.
To edit your database entry, you must first have a valid kerberos ticket. This can be ensured by typing the command kinit. The sequence will look like this:
umbc7[1]% kinit UMBC (umbc7.umbc.edu) Kerberos Initialization Kerberos name: username Password: umbc7[2]%
Now that you have a ticket, type ph to enter the database program. You will be able to edit your homepage field here. To edit this field, type edit homepage. The sequence will look like this:
umbc7[2]% ph @(#)$Id: ph.c,v 6.17 1994/03/12 04:31:21 paul Exp $ 200:Database ready. 200:username:Hi how are you? ph> edit homepage
At this point, you will be placed in an editor. You will enter the URL to your homepage, and save the file. Example URLs are listed below.
The homepage you specified is now available from the generic umbc.edu URL.