OK, this is the place to get that TV Hype or Gripe off your chest.......
Soundoff Archive
- Name: Mr. Casanova Z. Nurse, from the home of "2nd Noah," Tampa, FL
- Email: cnurse@soleil.acomp.usf.edu
Sound Off:
- Actually, this isn't about "Second Noah" or anything else on TV, but
a complaint about a particular user/users of the "Favorite TV Shows"
list here on "TVNet". (I hope *you* read this.)
This site is designated to talk about TV or TV-related subjects,
not about sexual fantasies! It's bad enough to read that perverted
garbage once, but repeated SEVEN times?!?!
To the "person" who posted those remarks: Take your sex-crazed
self and go to the Playboy site. Take your junk with you!
- Name: Paul
- Email: Kidvamp@aol.com
Sound Off:
- I think they are on tape JOHN
- Name: Paul Abela
- Email: Kidvamp@aol.com
Sound Off:
- I am really starting to get mad at all those rip
offs of FREINDS
- Name: John L. Mack
- Email: jmack@azstarnet.com
Sound Off:
- HEY!!! Why aren't the 1966 BATMAN TV series episodes on video tape
yet? Trekker's have theirs, WE WANT OURS!!!! FOX AND DC Comics,
- Name: Ed Baron
- Email: EBaon@AOL.COM
Sound Off:
- I can understand moving Breakfast Time to the network, but why remove it for 4 or
five months to revamp it if it is so successful?
- Name: Nick Ziegler
- Email: pziegler@datafrt.com
Sound Off:
- Hi, this is cool. I'm a fifteen year old guy and I want
to talk with some hot chicks! E-mail me PLEASE! (Right Now)
- Name: Nick Ziegler
- Email: pziegler@datafrt.com
Sound Off:
- Hi, This is cool.
- Name: Grant Goldsby
- Email: cougar@mail.wsu.edu
Sound Off:
- Way too many commercials!! I love watching my fav's but when I have to watch 30 commercials in between that's what really sucks!! Write back if you agree! Later, I have to watch something on TV!!
- Name: Robert H.
- Email: rob@netrover.com
Sound Off:
- My beef is with shows such as Top Copps that portray police officers as self centered ego searchers.
The concept of the show is dull and the only thing that keeps this show alive is societies lust for violance.
The show cares about just one thing "RATINGS" and societies sick taste is what's keeping it there.
- Name: michel
- Email: mdescham@ulix.net
Sound Off:
- Sometimes TV is so boring.I feel like a zombie zapping to see to see something interesting.
- Name: chris
- Email: lmartine@mail.bcpl,lib,md.us
Sound Off:
- i think mtv is to much like a all rap music channel, whenever i turn to it,
i always feellike coolio is on!
- Name: Nicolas Genest
- Email: ngenest@megatoon.com
Sound Off:
- Great
- Name: Chris Detje
- Email: cdet@wsserv.com
Sound Off:
- What were the names of the two woman who hosted the show Magic Garden. We think one is Paula but can't remember for the life of us
- Name: chris
- Email: cdet@wsserv.com
Sound Off:
- i hate march,,no new shows all damm reruns
- Name: Kristine Smith
- Email: gsmith@primus.cstp.umkc.edu
Sound Off:
- ABC: I don't know WHAT you guys are thinking (or not)about
taking REBOOT off. It is one of the BEST shows on tv today,
and you should be moving it to PRIMETIME instead of cancelling
the best family show in syndication!!!ABC- stop listening to
the nielson ratings and hear what the other 99% of us think!
This show has an Immense cult following among the Star trek -
X-files crowd and your about to lose your "in" to this group.
REBOOT is being aimed at the wrong audience, the 5-10 year olds
might not be watching it, but the burgeoning information industry
employes are eating it up with both hands.
WAKE UP and smell the potential!
P.S. -- I DO buy the toys (where i can find em)
and have written Irwin telling them the same.
- Name: marie emmerson
- Email: Emmerson-Pop.@unidata.ucar.com
Sound Off:
- for network programers-
Read a newspaper, get involved in REAL life, get a life...
you all are out of touch w/reality and us viewers. The scheduling
you put on as well as the shows you cancel is a clear
indicator that you don't understand the demographics-
or that your stats are WRONG! The networks are always cancelling
the the more interesting, creative, original shows for
visual candy- full of empty nutrition. Out here in LIFE
adults actually watch TV, not just teens, and even INTELLIGENT
adults watch! So how about leaving some of the more
intriguing shows with adult themes-I don't mean sex- and
thoughtful story lines alone and taking a risk by allowing
a show to air for a longer period of time...remember M*A*S*H?
- Name: the wild man
- Email: @none
Sound Off:
- where do you live? how old are you?
I live in AZ. I'm 18 yrs. old.
hope to hear from you.
- Name: the wild man
- Email: @none
Sound Off:
- where do you live? how old are you?
I live in AZ. I'm 18 yrs. old.
hope to hear from you.
- Name: the wild man
- Email: @none
Sound Off:
- where do you live? how old are you?
I live in AZ. I'm 18 yrs. old.
hope to hear from you.
- Name: the wild man
- Email: @none
Sound Off:
- where do you live? how old are you?
I live in AZ. I'm 18 yrs. old.
hope to hear from you.
- Name: the wild man
- Email: @none
Sound Off:
- where do you live? how old are you?
I live in AZ. I'm 18 yrs. old.
hope to hear from you.
- Name: the wild man
- Email: @none
Sound Off:
- where do you live? how old are you?
I live in AZ. I'm 18 yrs. old.
hope to hear from you.
- Name: Kathryn
- Email: kmedlin@emory.edu
Sound Off:
- JOHN > Jeremy Tupper is played by Chris Demetral. He always played that role.
- Name: Laurie
- Email: waskish@northernnet.com
Sound Off:
- I watch Another World and I'm already sick of this John
and Felicia thing. I read in a magazine that their affair
is going to have repercussions that will go on for two
years. As if soap storylines don't drag on long enough.
This relationship seemed contrived from the start. Why
can't Felicia do anything fun? I thought when she and Cass
opened Wallingford's that they'd get back to those crazy
things they used to do. Too darn much angst for me.
- Name: Michel Cromwell
- Email: mishehi@u.washington.edu
Sound Off:
- Regarding Lifetime Television: Is in no way shape or form "television for women!" Nearly every movie is filled with rape, murder, torture, torment, abuse, and violence against women. Whether they're victorious in the end or not, it's gross, distressing and depressing television to watch. I've totally quit watching any evening programming. The few times I've been able to catch daytime on Lifetime I've thoroughly enjoyed the various craft programs. Too bad you can't provide that programming for those of us who work outside the home. Get a clue, very few women are "turned on" like men are by violence and abuse of women. Some of us enjoy relaxing in the evening, not defending our senses against the slop you call programming!
- Name: John
- Email: oscar1@philly.infi.net
Sound Off:
- Hi! I need help to selttle an arguement. On H.B.O. is the show DREAM ON. One of the characters is Jeremy Tupper, the son of the main character.
1. What is the name of the actor that plays Jeremy?
2. Is there more than one actor who has played this part in the series?
3. Where else has he/they done recently?
- Name: Todd Hile-Hoffer
- Email: hilehoffe@urvax.urich.edu
Sound Off:
- Calvin C. Jones Jr. is an ignorant ass. I am so sick of hearing racism all the time. Martin and Living Single are just dumb. Not only that they are on Fox. Just look at the ratings. Let's face it, Martin and Living single are not part of mainstream American Pop Culture. They are only fun to people who are into that whole "Hip Hop" culture. If any black person wants to talk about racism, let's look at what makes people racist. Martin makes black people look like complete idiots.
Racism in this country exists because black america and white america have totaly different cultures. Shows like Martin just make it worse. Matin is a complete ass. Hollywood used to make blacks look like second class citizens. Now that blacks have their own shows and they are making themselves look like second class citizens. The simple fact is that ratings are what counts in television and black comedies just don't make it. Some black shows are funny, but Martin and Living Single definetly aren't.
Living Color was one of the funniest shows that ever existed and it got ratings. The majority of the people who watch Martin and Living Single are teenagers. If Martin is reality than no wonder whites are racist. The WB has a lot of black shows that are funny but again they are not for mainstream America. Fraiser, Seinfeld, and Friends all get ratings. I don't want to hear Racism everytime there is an award show. I don't see any white people winning MVP in the NBA but you don't hear white people
crying racism. I don't know if there are any funny black shows worthy of awards right now but I do know that Calvin C. Jones Jr. is a comic
- Name: Calvin C. Jones Jr.
- Email: cjayjr@infinet.com
Sound Off:
- ABC's Comedy Awards
I saw no Blacks in the prevues, I saw no Blacks in the
audience and all the clicks (TV and movies) showed next
to none (Blacks that is), I usually watch ComicView at 8:30
but that's been reruns lately, but still how can you have
a Comedy Awards Show and the "only" Blacks that do get in
front of the camera are George Wallace and Richard Pryor.
Is this a token move (although we all know its true -
Richard is the greatest comedian of all), why wasn't shows
like Martin, Living Single and, and, oops, that's all we
got! So what if there's Friends, Steinfeld, and Fraiser
- Martin and Living Single don't rate as COMEDY?
How about the movies, Blacks didn't make any "comedy" movies
to be acknowledge as such? What do we have to do just to
get acknowledged? So we don't win - we do exist!
To have George Wallace and Richard Pryor on a comedy award
show and not even acknowledge the fact that these two Black
men represent not only Black comedians but actors, and
for other Black actors not to be acknowledged WHO HAVE
WORKING SHOWS is racist and full of bigotry.
We use to be (when we acted like they wanted us to or how
they thought we should) but to say we're funny now, may
"IMPLY" we (white folks) are racist and full of bigotry!
Hum, that sounds familiar...
Pass this on to Courtney M. he'll understand.
- Name: Vita Vinokurova
- Email: vita_vinokurova@mlb.sticomet.com
Sound Off:
- I really don't have a gripe, I just wanted to reach out and touch someone. Why do you want to hear other people's gripes for anyways? I guess it takes all kinds.
- Name: phyllis sandground
- Email: ogreatone@qnet.com
Sound Off:
- l. Background music is far too loud!
2. Really enjoy your Tuesday night mystery movies, particularly A Touch of Frost.
3. Need more intelligent shows that demand the viewer actually thinks.
4 Would love to see more English comedies and dramas.
- Name: Sonny Carter
- Email: Sonc1@popalex1.linknet.net
Sound Off:
- Tuesday March 6, GMA on ABC featured Joan Quigley,
the astrologer to the Reagans. When she predicted for them,
ABC, and others laughed at her and at Pres. & Mrs Reagan...
Now she's polished up her crystal ball for ABC, and they
treat her with dignity..GIVE ME A BREAK! ABC
- Name: JEREMY
- Email: @55
Sound Off:
- Name: Tracy Malkin
- Email: Malkin@ctc.com
Sound Off:
- What has happened to MTV? I thought it was MUSIC television
for really cool music videos? Not all these crappy shows that
they are showing now. We can watch all the other channels for
crap. MTV is for music videos and should stay that way!
- Name: Rick Figard
- Email: rick.dragife@ase.com
Sound Off:
- Second Noah on ABC has totally won me and my family over
- Name: happy gilmore
- Email: @
Sound Off:
- Alanis is the best
- Name: W
Sound Off:
- Name: jeremy
- Email: larsonsr@apic.net
Sound Off:
- Name: Kara
- Email: 00kigeidel@bsuvc.bsu.edu
Sound Off:
- Name: BRIAN
- Email: brian@mis.nb.ca
Sound Off:
- SHOW MORE RAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Name: DaveGoodson
- Email: dave@g
Sound Off:
- dave and chad are on mtv from Pinveville
- Name: Shannon Leigh Rusch
- Email: srusch1@weber.edu
Sound Off:
- CBS has cancelled the most innovative and thought provoking new series on the air, American Gothic.
They didn't advertise the show at all compared to all the crap they did for Central Park West.
They kept changing when they would show it and put it on Hiatus twice. There are four episodes that
we haven't even seen and only twelve episodes were shown.
We demand that it be put back on the air again and given the chance to succeed.
- Name: Roxanne
- Email: RoxDun@aol.com
Sound Off:
- I am a frequent viewer of Video A.M., The Road, At the Ryman, and the Country Dance shows. But, I will not watch Prime Time Country because of Tom Wopat's reputation as being a pig in his behavior towards women. When you get a new host, I would very much like to see that show.
- Name: Cesar Pereira
- Email: cpereira@mail.erols.com
Sound Off:
- The x files
- Name: Deborah Van Varick
- Email: 75354.741@compuserve.com
Sound Off:
- What did you do to the best show on TV?
Music City Tonight was the only show we watched on a regular
basis. We loved Crook and Chase, and the entertainers were
always top-notch. When can we expect Music City Tonight back
- Name: Debbie Luce
- Email: sluce@epix.net
Sound Off:
- First, CBS - Get a grip on your scheduling! Murder She Wrote was working
in the ratings on Sunday night just fine. Thank you very much. So why
screw around with a good thing? Do you really think you can compete
with NBC on Thursday night! If you put Cybil, Almost Perfect, and then
Murder She Wrote, and of course your lead in of 60 Minutes, you could
lock up Sunday night. I don't know why the Networks think no one
watches TV on Sunday night or wants to see a Made for TV movie.
Also, you coverage of Nascar racing SUCKS! Take a look at TNN. See
the camera coverage. There is more to the race than just the lead car!!
- Name: D. Read
- Email: 2930@msn.com
Sound Off:
- Please Bring Back The TNN News, at 7:30 The other times are too Late
- Name: Wendy McCauley
- Email: wmccaule@vt.edu
Sound Off:
- I just wanted to thank you guys for putting on the Dukes of
Hazard. I love this show so much!! I loved it as a kid and
it still kicks butt! Please keep it running forever if its
at all possible! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!
- Name: RONNEY
Sound Off:
- Actually TV is OK. Cable is what SUXS! I live on the side
of Chicago were the service stinks! Fuzzy pictures, black-
outs. Don't even try to call customer service! People
really need to join together to fight for better service and
lower rates.
- Name: earl sigoloff
- Email: hotone@earthlink.net
Sound Off:
- eli gold sample humor " well folks get a new batteryy for
the pace maker.. the last laps willbe exciting "
uh huh and u pay this old time hack to say these things ???
- Name: earl sigoloff
- Email: hotone@earthlink.net
Sound Off:
- regards your coverage of nascar..
1. eli gold is a hack.. he never shuts up ! his banter
and bull ... never stops. He is used to the radio.. uh
folks ... we can see 90 per cent of what he talks about
..2 his constant questioning of the sidekicks..ugh
3 dick bergran is a nice knowing guy ..but the speech
impediment is not meant for TV .. i hate tosay it..but it
is offensise.. and we thought mike joy was obad with his
jokes that werent funny...You have managed to ruin the TV
coverage of nascar in one fell swoop.
how about sitting down and listening to th tapes and see
if you think we are right... talk talk talk .. most of
it not needed... WE CAN SEEE IT IT IS ON TV.. WE DONT
CARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check out the usenet groups andu will see the feeling of
the real fans... do u need all those announcers.. like
6 of them to cover a race ... most fans are old time
vets.. we know wahat is g going on...
God even ken squier as bad as he is.. doesnt constantly
tell us what we just s saw .. thanks for the chance to
- Name: smitt
- Email: ssmith5081@aol.com
Sound Off:
- i wish they can bring back the "OLDER" tv shows,
like jack benny, burns and allen.....etc.
i hate "ALL" new sit coms. none are funny.
they rather put across some political message than
make you laugh. DAMN
- Name: Dick
- Email: dicks@sr.hp.com
Sound Off:
- I'm looking for a sound clip of the Horse 'Mr. Ed' calling
"wilber" anyone know ehere to look??
- Name: Hogans Hero Fan
- Email: vosser5@netins.net
Sound Off:
- Where are all the Hogans Heros re-runs? I am looking for a sound wav of Sgt. Shcultz. If anyone knows where I can find it. Email me.
- Name: Regan
- Email: n@s.ca
Sound Off:
- Name: marvin kemel
- Email: cartons@magic,mb,ca
Sound Off:
- recently while in Mexico I discovered I could get ctv on my satellite dish. I was astounded and thrilled. But that came to an end when i watched canada AM one morning. This is the worst dribble I have ever seen. The male Lead is a dumb jock. The women are cutesy. It was apoor imitation Of one of thje lousy US morning shows. I fthis is canadian culture I am going to take up citizenship in some third world nation. I was ashamed to call this canadian programming
- Email: gonghjij@sp.zrz.tu-berlin.de
Sound Off:
- Name: Mr. Casanova Z. Nurse in Tampa
- Email: cnurse@soleil.acomp.usf.edu
Sound Off:
- Did anybody see Mary Tyler Moore [the queen of actresses :) ]
on "Ellen" 2-21? Is she cool or is she cool?!
- Name: Howard Plonchak
- Email: howardp@chelsea.ios.com
Sound Off:
- I'm trying to get tickets to a Nickelodeon taping in Florida during the spring break. How or where can I go to get them.
- Name: Rachel
- Email: lost@emapnet.com
Sound Off:
- 1.Everything on TV is about ****! It's like people want the world to become a bunch of lesbians!
2.Talk shows suck, but they always did!
3.Isn't MTV supposed to play music, or is it just my imagination?
4. When I listen to the news, I wanna here important stuff, not things like why Hillary Clinton doesn't think people like her!
5.I think all channels on Cable should be one price, not a special price for each channel!
6. I think Pay Per View should be FREE!
7.NO MORE SOAP OPERAS! That os including 90210 and Melrose PLace!
8. If there is gonna be an all news channel, WHY SO MANY COMMERCIALS?
9. Commercials piss me off! You're in the middle of a good part and commercials come!
10. Why would talk shows have stupid topics like "I don't like your gift - You're So Cheap"? It makes no sense!
*Note to Readers: TV is beginning to suck!*
- Name: Rachel
- Email: lost@emapnet.com
Sound Off:
- 1.Everything on TV is about homos! It's like people want the world to become a bunch of *****!
2.Talk shows suck, but they always did!
3.Isn't MTV supposed to play music, or is it just my imagination?
4. When I listen to the news, I wanna here important stuff, not things like why Hillary Clinton doesn't think people like her!
5.I think all channels on Cable should be one price, not a special price for each channel!
6. I think Pay Per View should be FREE!
7.NO MORE SOAP OPERAS! That os including 90210 and Melrose PLace!
8. If there is gonna be an all news channel, WHY SO MANY COMMERCIALS?
9. Commercials piss me off! You're in the middle of a good part and commercials come!
10. Why would talk shows have stupid topics like "I don't like your gift - You're So Cheap"? It makes no sense!
*Note to Readers: TV is beginning to suck!*
- Name: Ron
- Email: student@caper4.uccb.ns.ca
Sound Off:
- Is Strange Luck gone for good or just hiatus?? I hope
it comes back. One of the best shows this season.
(I love Frances Fisher - she is hot!!)
- Name: Marc
- Email: Marc@www.umkc.edu
Sound Off:
- Leno sucks. The only remotely funny things that show produces is only a direct Letterman rip-off.
- Name: David L. Jones
- Email: BigWave916@gnn.com
Sound Off:
- I am smoked about ABC Sports and their showing 2 hours of
shabbily broadcast golf tournament that finished rather
dramatically in a tie, and then they only show the tee shots
of the first hole of the playoff.
Brent Mussberger tells us we should tune in to the nightly
news to find out who won. What a bunch of garbage.
It's like watching all but the last 15 minutes of a movie.
- Name: Trudel
- Email: ht-sd@sympatico.ca
Sound Off:
- I am very disappointed that Lonesome Dove: The Series is cancelled!!!! I love to watch westerns and they come in short supply on tv these days. I can only hope the television producers reconsider their decision. I feel like someone has grabbed away an interesting novel I haven't finished reading. What about closure? At least give us a ending to the story if you must cancell it!!!
- Name: Takafumi Ito
- Email: bm2t-itu@asahi-net.or.jp
Sound Off:
- i can't
- Name: Dean
- Email: Dean867@sunbelt.net
Sound Off:
- Roseanne rules!!!
- Name: Kathryn
- Email: kmedlin@emory.edu
Sound Off:
- The X-Files, Homicide, and Law & Order (when Chris Noth was in it) is the best stuff on TV.
- Name: Makaela and Becky
- Email: #15 and #25 @Dayton
Sound Off:
- Hi to Kyle and Sam.Happy VDay sorry it's late
- Name: makbec
- Email: macbec@dtwa
Sound Off:
- I hate herbal essence shampoo commercial it sucks and is on all the time
- Name: Joel
- Email: compumex@airmail.net
Sound Off:
- Is it just me, or is Jennifer Aniston from FRIENDS
- Name: Rebecca
- Email: mysaturn@netins.net
Sound Off:
- I think Thursday Nites on NBC are the Best- Starting with
Friends, Single Guy, Seinfeld and ER. NBC keeping doing
the Great Jop with the Top Rated Shows around.
- Name: Tony Palladini
- Email: paladini@usaor.net
Sound Off:
- Comments on Television
1. Chicago Hope is nothing compared to ER.
2. Please... no more 90210-type shows!
3. The Sci-Fi Channel should be picked up by cable companies!
they don't know what they are missing.
4. Voyager has boldly gone where every previous incarnation
of Star Trek has already gone. You think the writers could be
a little more creative with the entire universe.
5. American television needs more Anime!!!
6. Saturday Night Live should be cancelled ASAP.
7. MTV... didn't that used to mean Music Television???
Personally, I'd trade it for the Home & Garden Channel in
a minute.
8. COPS is still better than the Real Stories of the Highway
9. Informercials will be the downfall of western civilization.
10. Howard Stern needs a talk show. Baba Booey... Baba Booey...
Baba Booey... Baba Booey... Baba Booey...
- Name: Steve Durward
- Email: sdurward@tminet.com
Sound Off:
- We need better programing!!!!!!!!!
- Name: anilise andersen
- Email: @
Sound Off:
- The best nights for T.V. are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Wednesday= 90210 and Party of Five
Thursday= everything on NBC b/n 7pm and 10pm (cenral)
Friday= X-Files and Homicide
Hope you like my picks, try them out and get back to the net
- Name: Weilder of the Remote
- Email: goofingaround@theofficeonFriday
Sound Off:
- Thirteen cable channels will be showing the same infomercial for the same piece of fitness equipment, but when you call in to place an order, they put you on hold for half an hour...then tell you that it will be 4 to 6 weeks until delivery. Then, you spend the next 4 to 6 weekends watching them try to sell even more products and backlog their manufacturers even more. Then when you call the customer service number to complain, you get a recording of Fran Tarkenton gloating over the "tremendous response" and that you should only wish you could cancel your order and go down to Sears and pick up one that they have IN STOCK! Then UPS delivers the product and leaves it on the stoop in the rain so that you get a special surprise when the Power Rider begins to rust.
- Name: The Wild Girl
- Email: @None
Sound Off:
- American Gothic is the best new show of the season, and ties
with X-Files as my favorite show. It's innovative, creative
and controversial. There is this ugly rumor that it may be
cancelled due to low ratings. First of all, a 7 is not a bad
rating for a brand new show that has had one time-slot change
and has been preempted God knows how many times. Second, who
are these Nielson people anyway? Has anyone ever actually
known a Nielson family? Personally I think they're some kind
of hideous aliens whose mission is to suck the life out of
television. If you like this show, check out Rosenwald and
Guilderson in Wonderland. Cool stuff! If you want to save
the show this page also has a CBS e-mail address. There is
also a page by some people trying to get a group together to
save the show, but I lost it so you have to surf for that one
yourself. Thanks for listening.
- Name: Brian Miller
- Email: tjmiller@mnsinc.com
Sound Off:
- 1. No more friends rip offs--be creative for once
2. Stop messing with shows that don't need it (moving Coach to Florida)
3. Leave a show in one time slot--Remember Cheers going from last to first
4. I hate this Sweeps thing where characters have to leap frog to another show--distraction
5. Too many (you fill it in) repeats. Particularly between December and January where I think
Seinfeld air 1 original show.
6. Entertainment Tonight! Even though I watch I hate two things--1. Proliferation of sex during sweeps
and 2. The giddyness of Mary and John and fill ins at everything funny or not. Mary is the worst at this.
- Name: Patrick DesRosiers
- Email: jirpat@cam.org
Sound Off:
- I would like to share with you my excitement
for TV's most wackiest show of all : Symphorien.
Gilles Latulippe : I LOVE that guy. He's the funniest
comedian since Don Ameche. And when Fernard Gignac starts
messing with Gilles' punch lines, oh boy !
- Name: Chris
- Email: kcc@ionline.net
Sound Off:
- I love the Simpsons
- Name: Ted Mayberry
- Email: ted74@aol.com or tmayberry@avalon.com
Sound Off:
- We love the Nashville network. But we are upset
that you changed the time of the news show with
Debra Maffit. We are now unable to watch it now.
We watch your station every day from 3:30 pm cst
until 7:00 pm and latter on some nights. We looked
forward to this show to keep up to date on new stars
and music.
- Name: Sharon Walls
- Email: heddl@northcoast.com
Sound Off:
- re: USA Network's coverage of the Westminster Dog Show
The actual footage of the dogs themselves was terrible! Serious dog folks who are watching the coverage want to see:
1. The dog stacked in profile
2. A good head study
3. The whole dog moving in profile
4. The whole dog moving directly towards the camera
5. The whole dog moving directly away from the camera.
We don't want to see butt-shots of the judges or handlers. And the cameramen can quit filming women handler's bosoms bouncing around the ring, too.
- Email: jbosiack@daemen.edu
Sound Off:
- happy valentine's day to all from buffalo, new york
- Name: Mr. Casanova Z. Nurse in Tampa
- Email: cnurse@soleil.acomp.usf.edu
Sound Off:
- Did anybody watch 2-12's episode of "Second Noah"? I missed it.
Please e-mail me!
- Email: Steven McNew@MSN.com
Sound Off:
- DEAR Space gost
will you zap brak and let zorak host the show
- Name: Boobie
- Email: s003wlp@desire.wright.edu
Sound Off:
- I love those cheerleaders on Saturday Night Live, to me they are
really the funniest skit on there.
- Name: Rick Hoover
- Email: rick_h@community.net
Sound Off:
- re: USA network - Silk Stockings
Date 2/12/96 11:00PM Pacific time
Where is Silk Stockings? My wife watches it every night!
It helps her to unwind before bed, and she looks forward
to watching it. Please bring it back to the original time
A concerned Husband
- Name: carol marszalek
- Email: cmarszalek@cyberus.ca
Sound Off:
- ok,ok this week our "beloved" CBC (insert sarcastic tone here) has said that there is a proposed $10 service fee to help pay for the CBC
EXCUSE ME!!!!!!! I watch the CBC and even enjoy it! But alsothis week the CBC has cancelled 2 of my favourite shows namely "Side Effects" and "Liberty Street" It anyone else mad about this!!!!!
- Name: me
- Email: @my house
Sound Off:
- How come not many mentions of INFO-MERTIALS???? We need
better TV for Cable dollar. This type of TV is an insult!!!!!
Love sitcoms: Seinfeld, Friends Mad About you Ellen and some oldies like
I Love Lucy, Dick Van Dyke and Beverly Hillbilies. Bye.
- Name: Andrew
- Email: andrewc@wam.umd.edu
Sound Off:
- The Simpsons is one of my all-time favorite TV shows, but I
can't help but notice that they are starting to really suck
- Name: Andrew
- Email: abdrewc@wam.umd.edu
Sound Off:
- The Simpsons is one of my all-time favorite TV shows, but I
can't help but notice that they are starting to really suck
- Name: Mr. Bod Dobalina
- Email: Del@Funky.homosapian
Sound Off:
- Hey T and Mike are freaks and I want everybody to know!
- Name: Mike
- Email: korachml@miamiu.muohio.edu
Sound Off:
- Anybody remember Sledge Hammer? Bring the Hammer!
- Name: Buck Naked
- Email: cantstandja@my.dick
Sound Off:
- Anybody remember me?
- Name: Fred
- Email: Pissing@t.your feet
Sound Off:
- Hello
- Name: Drew
- Email: ewingar@miamiu.muohio.edu
Sound Off:
- What gives the right to the government to tell
us what we can and can't do with our lives.
FREEDOM to the people. I think it is time that we all
look again at our declaration of independence and change our government
Legalize Marijuana Today!!
Oh yeah I like the show Frasier and Friends.
- Name: Takeshi Otaka
- Email: tama@marimo.or.jp
Sound Off:
- I love Hawaiian Music.
- Name: Jeremy
- Email: burloak@bserv.com
Sound Off:
- American Gothic is the best. What I would like to know is why the networks keep putting other shows in its timeslot. Knock it off.
- Name: Casey Campbell
- Email: campbcm4@wfu.edu
Sound Off:
- I don't care what anyone says: the best show on TV is Seinfeld and the worst show on TV is Saturday Night Live.
- Name: Kathryn
- Email: kmedlin@emory.edu
Sound Off:
- The Law & Order/Homicide crossover is too brilliant! I can't wait for Friday, my two fav shows interacting. You've got to hand it to NBC, they really know what they're doing.
- Name: Mike Meier
- Email: kickermm@aol.com
Sound Off:
- I think that TV is the greatest thing that has ever happened to man!!!!!
- Name: Paul
- Email: rajsmith@execpc.com
Sound Off:
- Wanted:Die-hard fans of Mst3k (Mystery Science Theater 3000) to become a "Keypal" with! Don't be shy,Mail me!
- Name: Jennifer
- Email: rousey@okstate.edu
Sound Off:
- Are there any DAYS OF OUR LIVES fans who need to let out there frustrations!!!!
- Name: collin collin collin
Sound Off:
- Email: pkrupp@proaxis.com
Sound Off:
- This is realy dumb, whats the point? Oh well, Friends is good, ELLEN is good, Dr.Quinn Medicine Woman is good, nothing eles
- Name: tim
- Email: www.@san jose
Sound Off:
- Name: petter wahl
- Email: Wahl@Tancom.se
Sound Off:
- call me!
- Name: Kristen
- Email: kristen@cains.com
Sound Off:
- Am I the only one that liked Models, Inc.?
Sound Off:
- Name: Jackson Hewitt
- Email: we_take_taxes@any.time
Sound Off:
- Get rid of those damn, sleazy talk shows like Ricki Lake,
Jerry Springer, and Marc Walberg. That's the worst thing on
TV these days.
- Name: Mr. Casanova Z. Nurse from Tampa, FL
- Email: cnurse@soleil.acomp.usf.edu
Sound Off:
- Nick at Nite Executives: Don't you dare put
"The Mary Tyler Moore Show" on your new "TV Land network!!!!
- Name: Marie Antionette ("Let them eat cake!")
- Email: @MYOB ("But don't let them watch soaps!")
Sound Off:
- EXCUSE ME!!! Have you ever listened to the exaggerated argument drivel
on soap operas! (teen ones included) I mean, NO ONE argues that much!!
Well, they do, but it sure isn't often that people go around hurting a
group of friends-SEPARATELY!! I don't like soaps, don't watch them, never will.
- Name: Gary Intrieri
- Email: Gi1ol@aol.com
Sound Off:
- NBC did a much better job regarding their Super bowl coverage than ABC did last year. NBC broadcasters and the coverage of both teams was balanced and showed no favorites. Last year, the S.F. 49ers received all the coverage and the Chargers got no respect at all. Thank you NBC!
- Name: Tre
- Email: @wmich
Sound Off:
- David Letterman.....I'm not worthy!!!!!
You're right, Conan isn't that bad. I think the Late Late show
is really boring. Reruns of Dave would be better!
- Name: Marion Brown
- Email: mb16118@academia.swt.edu
Sound Off:
- where is Strange Luck?
- Name: Gail Lewis
- Email: choice@comox.island.net
Sound Off:
- I can't stand those phoney "love" videos being hyped on WTN
every time I tune in to a show after 10 pm. On top of being
annoying, cloying, insincere, and just pain stupid, they are
sooooo long!! I've started muting the sound as soon as one
comes on. Please, please get that dreck off the air.
- Name: I love Brad Pitt
- Email: Mtv@rocksthehouse
Sound Off:
- Name: Alanis
- Email: beckettb@nettally
Sound Off:
- I think the late late show on cable 9 sucks dick and they should have something else on but I think the late show withe david letterman rocks the house
- Name: Jai Johnson
- Email: havok@inreach.com
Sound Off:
- Hi... I'm really the one who wrote the previous message:
This surely is a bad thing set up here. We can frame our
enemies in here? I ask that you not read this page in the
future because of the misuse that I have had to deal with.
- Name: Crankie Frankie
- Email: fgarza@stargate.1starnet.com
Sound Off:
- I have a real problem with newscaster who do not bother to
learn the correct pronunciation of words and places before
they go on the air. So because they are the big names on TV
that we see daily, they end up changing the pronunciation of
places, etc. i.e. Carribean--Tempe, Ariz. -- etc. This
happens daily and the kids in school become confused over
Give it a close listen, and you will know what I mean.
Thanks, I feel better by letting my keyboard sound off.
- Name: Dave
- Email: williams@tbcnet.com
Sound Off:
- I didn't like on American Gothic last week when Merlee gave in and stopped the plague.
- Name: Scott
- Email: punk@inreach.com
Sound Off:
- Name: Fred A. Cleaver
- Email: fac111750@aol.com
Sound Off:
Watched KNME at weeks end. Some dummy talked about changes
in the Executive branch, as a critisim of Clinton. But, he
gave no facts. What facts?. This is part of what is wrong!
People have opinions that are not only not supported by
facts, but no facts support this. But he was not challenged.
Too Bad KNME
Sorry, you lose!!!
- Name: Kathryn
- Email: kmedlin@emory.edu
Sound Off:
- Homicide and Law & Order are having a crossover episode! Feb.7th and 9th.
- Name: VFjelsted
- Email: vfjelsted@state.de.us
Sound Off:
- I love the new show "3rd Rock from the Sun"
- Name: jake
- Email: @dchamb
Sound Off:
- t.v. is great but the damn comercials get in the way.
other than that t.v. is great
- Name: Tim Miller
- Email: b_miller@nyc.pipeline.com
Sound Off:
- I'm writing for my 9 year old son, Tim, who is both very
intelligent and interested in anything that has to do with
space and/or space travel. This morning at 5:30 am I channel
surfed to a show on Nickelodeon cable (22 on LI) called
"Launch Box", Tim was still asleep since he is only in 4th
grade. I checked the TV listings and it was not scheduled
again this week. I couldn't find a tape to copy it to so
Tim missed it.
My question: Since this type show is timely why is it on at
such an early hour? Any chance of moving it to a time slot
when the kids, aged 8 to 12, might be out of school and
watching or are shows like "Eat My Shorts" too important.
- Name: Kathryn
- Email: kmedlin@emory.edu
Sound Off:
- john> What place is that?
- Name: john
- Email: Dlwhite@ewu.edu
Sound Off:
- Jenny Mccarthy is perfect. Her breast are real also. I think the world would be a better place if women just stayed in their place
She just has to quit smoking.
- Name: Kathryn
- Email: kmedlin@emory.edu
Sound Off:
- If Chris Noth left the show (even though it would be understandable with those hours) why was he quoted as saying, "I'm shocked to be out of a job."
- Name: Neal Dreznick
- Email: lenonpeace @ aol
Sound Off:
- my gripe is that there is a very different but interesting show which seems to be destined for cancellation. I'm talking about American Gothic. I wish more of you out there would give it a try.
- Name: "D"
- Email: pctf224@gbn.net
Sound Off:
- Name: Matt
- Email: mgreaves@tandfdc.com
Sound Off:
It sounds like a lot of people are upset that Dick Wolf
"got rid of" Chris Noth or "replaced him" with Benjamin
Bratt. I have an antidote to your misery.
Chris Noth was never fired. Quite the contrary, Noth chose
to leave the show. Why? The same reason Paul Sorvino left.
Although Noth loved the job and the cast, the filming schedule
for "Law & Order" is known to be one of the most brutal and
demanding in modern television.
All exterior shots, which involve the police more than the
District Attorneys, are shot in New York around dawn, around
5:30 a.m. on. Which means they have to set up around 4:00 am
which means the actors are getting up around 2:30 or 3:00.
After a few years of this, it is easy to understand why so
many actors leave the show.
And now a word regarding Benjamin Bratt. No, he isn't Noth.
And no, he doesn't have the same chemsitry Noth did with Jerry
Orbach. But one thing you have to remember is that the show
rarely takes time to explore its main characters; its primary
goal is to bombard its watchers with today's complex and
often dramatic legal processes.
This is the show's fault AND its saving grace. While I'm
intrigued by the presentation of the US justice system, I'm
dying to find out more about Briscoe's past drinking problems
and Claire Kincaid's personal life. I want to know what made
Jack McCoy what he is and I want to see Ray get SCHOOLED by
his saltry veteran partner.
But we won't see this because this is not the show's focus.
What makes me upset is not that Noth is gone, but that his
character, Mike Logan, was disposed of so non-chalantly and
with such little effort. They should have done just one
parting scene with him and Briscoe, or even (heaven forbid)
have him killed in the line of duty. But to just erase the
CHARACTER of Logan is the REAL crime.
- Name: Nastassja
- Email: nmduerso@indyunix.iupui.edu
Sound Off:
- how do I get to be on yack live? Why do you guys keep it such a BIG secret?
- Name: Oliver Willis
- Email: owillis@emi.net
Sound Off:
- God Bless NBC. They are the ULTIMATE network. I love
everything about it. Down to the bong-bong-bong! How
could lackluster CBS hope to compete? The only way is
to stock up on Warner shows. Warner should look at their
good product and put it on WB instead of unsold pilots! :)
- Name: carrie
- Email: me@where I am
Sound Off:
- I miss the good old days of t.v. you know...Chips, The A-Team, Family Ties, Three's Company, Dukes of Hazard. Ahhhh...memories. Oh by the way, I remember the show about Jeremy the orange bear, now that was a really good show
- Name: me, myself, and I
- Email: @a computer while I should be in class
Sound Off:
- I LOVE Friends, but I am so sad! How can Rachel in her right mind refuse Ross? She is unbelievable. Seriously.
My friends from home (not here at school) and I plan our Thursday nights around NBC's programs. WHY did they move Mad About You to Sunday? They replaced it with the cheesy Single Guy and Caroline in the City. Single Guy is AWFUL!!! I mean, it's just not entertaining. Mad About You is much better. Really. And I love ER to death, but I don't appreciate all of these RE-RUNS!!! I hate re-runs. Either Micheal Critchon (sp?) feels bad for people who missed an episode, or the actors are getting too lazy to do actual work and come out with - can we dare - ONE show a week? But ER always gets me. I love love love Noah Wyle. (He's Carter.) And he's great.
One more question about ER - where is the lady doctor with the cane?
- Name: john
- Email: @nowhere
Sound Off:
- I'm I alone in thinking that talk shows have become predictable and boring. Just how many times can a person watch a tri-sexual still living at home with their parents and cannot control their bedwetting?
- Name: Allen Martin
- Email: yku00468@yorku.ca
Sound Off:
- I wish I could find some information about an old
animated show called "Jeremy" it was about the adventures
of a little orange bear. He could do most anything.
- Name: Mohammed Zulaikh
- Email: mohd@jameswattcollege
Sound Off:
- Name: A Hawley
- Email: ahwaley@mail.erols.com
Sound Off:
- What's up with t..v today?! I mean these people never get fired from there jobs.
I can't take it anymore? How come cartoons never change their clothes.They wear the same thing 365-52-24-7!
This is starting to bug me
- Name: Allen R. East
- Email: micro.mic@msn.com
Sound Off:
- The New York Times have done another stupid move in keeping with their track record....the couch potatoes in the unreal world of management have fired probably one of the most respected meteorologists in the US from wtkr in small letters because of the low lifes they are......Dr. Duane Harding is well repected by the public as well as the young people who watch the weater...to remove him in their small mind studies of boosting ratings is a pure ludricrious joke....it was printed that his dismissal was to bring younger people in the picture to raise the youth appeal to this channel....what and I say what a stupid irresponsible idea...I now forbid my class and my family from watching such an immature show and network we have now deproggrammed all or tv,s thanx again ny times...for nothing....
- Name: Teresa Hooten Kozempel
- Email: tchk@dynanet.com
Sound Off:
- Once again a television show has chosen January 22 to be most insulting to those of us who are opposed to elective abortion. The presentation on tonight's episode of Chicago Hope was so blatantly slanted that it would have been amusing were it not so offensive. When the pro-abortion forces return to rational philosophical discussion of the origin of life, and the protection due to all human life, only then can there be any movement towards reconciliation in this country. When they resort to hyperbole that is not short of slander, when they use exagerated examples and present them as the norm, and when they inflame by outrageous presentations that insult the millions who oppose abortion, they ultimately only reveal their own desperation. The pro-abortion forces have two interests: the continuation of the killing of pre-born children for profit, and the refusal to accept responsibility as the mark of a civilized society.
- Name: Aj
- Email: adlane@mail vt.edu
Sound Off:
- what's up p dog
- Name: Ann C. Keitz
- Email: keitz@mail.erols.com
Sound Off:
- CBS, you had better not cancel Due South again, if you know
what's good for you, or well be forced to take drastic
measures again like we did this fall sabotaging your "hip"
fall lineup.
- Name: Nobody
- Email: @nowhere
Sound Off:
- Why did Dick Wolf take Chris Noth off Law and Order????
He was one of the best actors on TV. Period. Shuffling the
cast around every season is all very well, but Chris Noth
was the best thing about the show and Wolf was a complete
idiot to replace him with Benjamin Bratt. Bratt is OK but
he has zip chemistry with any of the other caharacters and
his ability to flesh out a character via small glances,
wisecracks, etc. is totally nonexistent. Please, Please,
Please, Please Please if anyone from the Law and Order
casting dept. reads this PUT CHRIS NOTH BACK ON!!!
- Name: Nobody
- Email: @nowhere
Sound Off:
- Why did Dick Wolf take Chris Noth off Law and Order????
He was one of the best actors on TV. Period. Shuffling the
cast around every season is all very well, but Chris Noth
was the best thing about the show and Wolf was a complete
idiot to replace him with Benjamin Bratt. Bratt is OK but
he has zip chemistry with any of the other caharacters and
his ability to flesh out a character via small glances,
wisecracks, etc. is totally nonexistent. Please, Please,
Please, Please Please if anyone from the Law and Order
casting dept. reads this PUT CHRIS NOTH BACK ON!!!
- Name: Nobody
- Email: @nowhere
Sound Off:
- Why did Dick Wolf take Chris Noth off Law and Order????
He was one of the best actors on TV. Period. Shuffling the
cast around every season is all very well, but Chris Noth
was the best thing about the show and Wolf was a complete
idiot to replace him with Benjamin Bratt. Bratt is OK but
he has zip chemistry with any of the other caharacters and
his ability to flesh out a character via small glances,
wisecracks, etc. is totally nonexistent. Please, Please,
Please, Please Please if anyone from the Law and Order
casting dept. reads this PUT CHRIS NOTH BACK ON!!!
- Name: NoName
- Email: @
Sound Off:
- David Letterman rocks! He's one wacky dude. To some it may seem like he's just acting stupid, but then who's the one with the 14 million dollars?
Besides that he's funny. Give him a chance.
Everyone should also try watching Conan and Andy. These two are really funny sometimes. The stuff they do is so stupid it's cool.
Not every show has to have super intelligent wit and drama.
Sometimes you just want a show that's fun.
- Name: NoName
- Email: @
Sound Off:
- The Simpsons is my all time favorite show. Now that it's in syndication I get to enjoy it everyday.
The main problem I have is that the ending credits are always squeezed super small and drowned out by ads for something else.
All too often with the Simpsons there is something humorous or insightful to the story in the ending credits.
For example the episode about the Nuclear Power Plant's softball team has a very funny ending song during the credits.
But I was not able to enjoy because as soon as it came on they started brodcasting about the news. And there was still five minutes until 7:30!
They also do this with movies bordcast on TV. I for one would like to hear some of the songs that played during the credits in the theater.
With all the advertising couldn't they just keeep a couple of minutes free for these small things?
- Name: JOYA
Sound Off:
- Name: Spuds
- Email: cwschul@ibm.net
Sound Off:
- Valerie off 90210 has the biggest head I have ever seen
and yet she has a haircut that just enhances the size of
that large melon
- Name: John
- Email: jstein2@uicvm.uic.edu
Sound Off:
- I have a thing for the fine looking girl on "Un-Happily Ever
After" Nikki Cox Talk about FINE!!!!!!!!!!
- Name: Nancy
- Email: njo@ksu.ksu.edu
Sound Off:
- Name: bargin
- Email: tvkid@msn.com
Sound Off:
- I love the 0 0"party of five" and night court and ER they don't make that many good shoiws anymore
- Name: Khalad Mohammad
- Email: kmohamma@direct.ca
Sound Off:
- Its about time that sponsors and bradcasting stations are held responsible for allowing false advertising. i.e. "info-mercials"
- Name: Kathryn
- Email: kmedlin@emory.edu
Sound Off:
- Whoever took Chris Noth off Law and Order should be dragged out into the street, severly beaten and then shot. I can't believe it! Why ruin a perfectly good show?!
- Name: bill
- Email: bill.mil.asort@home
Sound Off:
- help me! i don't have a favorite tv show
- Name: mandy
- Email: tedesco7854@duq3.cc.duq.edu
Sound Off:
- I miss Quantam Leap.
- Name: Dani
- Email: k135745@proffa.cc.tut.fi
Sound Off:
- Re: all these people who're complaining about there being
nothing on late at night. (I guess they're night-shift
workers or something...) I recommend investing in a VCR.
Then, tape the good prime-time stuff and watch it when you
get home. Has the added bonus of not having to watch commercials!
- Name: T. Sturman
- Email: tsturman@rci.rogers.com
Sound Off:
- Does anyone know if Timothy Busfield was ever on Family Ties
as Alex's friend (not Skippy). If not, does anyone know this
character's name and the actor who played him?
- Name: Ken
- Email: kpowell@shawnee.edu
Sound Off:
- Is it just me or is Dave Letterman being extra rude to Paul
Schaffer? I don't get to watch Dave regularly but when I do
I think it's disgusting the way Dave will ask Paul a ques-
tion and then not give him time to answer and talks overtop
of him. Maybe I should spend my late night viewing with Jay!
- Name: David Ashton
- Email: pp0u302f@liverpool.ac.uk
Sound Off:
- Does anyone know why the show "Noisy Mothers",formerly "Raw Power",was
cancelled at the end of 1995? In ITV's Granada area it was the
only regular hard rock video show,going out Saturdays at ~3am.
Thus it had cornered the market in an area of ~5M(?) people for
this sort of show,and airtime pressure at 3am shouldn't exist!I just don't get it!
- Name: David Ashton
- Email: pp0u302f@liverpool.ac.uk
Sound Off:
- Does anyone know why the show "Noisy Mothers",formerly "Raw Power",was
cancelled at the end of 1995? In ITV's Granada area it was the
only regular hard rock video show,going out Saturdays at ~3am.
Thus it had cornered the market in an area of ~5M(?) people for
this sort of show,and airtime pressure at 3am shouldn't exist!I just don't get it!
- Name: Chun Chang-Zoon
- Email: czchun@sun630cc.nfup.ac.kr
Sound Off:
- Hi! I am trying to get any sound on Net.
- Email: JHGJKHB @
Sound Off:
- Name: Morgan Ross
- Email: ross@sfu.ca
Sound Off:
- Hi i'm Morgan Ross.
- Name: Carolyn
- Email: DRCMATT@aol.com
Sound Off:
When are we the viewers going to rise up and demand our moneys worth of viewing time and make the networks etc. remove the paid programing that eats up
our shows during the night. We people who stay up at night or get home at 11:pm should have something to watch besides talk shows, psychics and paid
programming. I think it is against our constitutional rights but it just isn't in the constitution because our fore fathers didn't have TV
- Name: Bob
- Email: xxxfire3@aol.com
Sound Off:
- MTV Sandblast rulez... it looks kewl. i mite wanna try out
- Name: Tbell
- Email: ctidmore@e-tex.com
Sound Off:
- Anyone who like Home Improvement, Friends, ER, or Lois and Clark, email me!! Also, when is Letterman going to quit recycling his show?
- Name: Mike Jochim
- Email: penguin@west.net
Sound Off:
- Nikki Cox, and Clare Danes are the hottest tv celebrities!!!
Redheads rule!!! YEAH THE RULE! HUH HUH
- Name: Ada Slodysko
- Email: slody@livnet.com
Sound Off:
- Anyone see the new show Matt Waters. It's great, give it a try. It's on CBS and starts Montel Williams.
Hey, if you like to write, check out my homepage at http://www.idevelop.com/nwol/
Sorry, my links are still under construction :(
- Name: z
- Email: @
Sound Off:
- gag
- Name: bob shoaf
- Email: shoafr@ix.netcom.com
Sound Off:
- Love to see the 1st AD Band, (US), that deployed for Germany to Bosnia on 3 Jan 96
playing for soldiers on the US News broadcasts.
Wouldn't you?
- Name: n
- Email: @
Sound Off:
- Sienfeld on the other hand is geting real old real fast!
- Name: Dominique
- Email: lantern@access.moutain.net
Sound Off:
- I love NBC Must See TV Thursday!
Esspecailly Friends and E.R.!!!
- Name: mike
- Email: woodwarm@bc.edu
Sound Off:
- Why are the people that run the networks so ignorant? The people that really get screwed are the people that work the nightshift...I'm talking midnight to the morning. When we get home there is nothing but news,talkshows,religious shows,and anything else that is so stupid. i like the news, but you can only watch it so many times. The only shows I watch are educational, sports, or music relayed. Those assholes at MTV should all be bitch slapped, along with the sitsom people. I mean what are they saying, that most of America is just a bunch of ignorant, uneducated assholes, or what.
- Name: jack mageau
- Email: mageau@netcore.ca
Sound Off:
- i am just curious to find out when ro will be doing another
psychic show.my wife known internationally as "master psychic
juliette" would be very interested in participating in any forum
that would surround these matters.as a spiritual healer,medium
claivoyant and spiritual counsellor has helped many people
in a positive and lucrative destiny.{ documented comments available.
please let us know when and if this show will occur.thank you for
taking the time to read this as i know your are very busy.
jack from canada!!
- Name: brian
- Email: bpm001@bridgewater.edu
Sound Off:
- I love Chip's
- Name: T-REX
Sound Off:
- Well to tell you the truth ,
I wish there was some boxing on.!!!!!!!!
- Name: elizabeth r pailloz
- Email: xphq26c@prodigy.com
Sound Off:
- e.r. is really pissing me off. did they make ANY new shows this year? there have only been about 2 or 3 that i saw that were new. i mean if this is supposedly the best of teh best, why the he** cant we see any of it? nbs is losing a lot of folks to chicago hope. as far as i can tell e.r. is d.o.a.!!!
- Name: Jay
- Email: smiles@nai.net
Sound Off:
- My friends and I love Rolonda, you know the talk show. She is the best. We watch Rolonda all that we possibly can. Our dream is to be part of her studio audience. What do other people think about Ro? I'd love to know. We really love this show, and we want to meet someone else who feels the same way.
- Name: Joao Silverio
- Email: silverio@pi.net
Sound Off:
- sdfasfasdfdsafasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfadsfds
- Name: Joao Silverio
- Email: silverio@pi.net
Sound Off:
- sdda
- Name: Trina Bradfield
- Email: bradfield@infomart.mhs.compuserve.com
Sound Off:
- Whatever happened to Under One Roof, starring James Earl Jones? I'll be glad when the networks realize that viewers actual like to see shows with some substance.
- Name: Hemmingway
- Email: Spain@war.civil
Sound Off:
- Does anybody remember the first season of the Larroquette
show when it was original, quirky, clever, ironic, darkly
humorous, outrageously funny and above all intelligent?
Now it's been homogenized into just another brainless sitcom.
Anytime something original come around the network brass
gets the cold sweats and forces it conform with all the other tripe.
What a loss!
- Name: NJ TCI Subscriber
- Email: Scifi-not@TCI
Sound Off:
- TCI, supposedly the largest cable carrier in the country, still
seems to have no intention of ever carrying the Sci Fi Channel,
Comedy Central or the Cartoon Network (among many others),
although we are flush with home shopping channels and various
other things I could care less about, and no amount of pleading
brings so much as an acknowledgement that a problem exists.
- Name: Woody
- Email: jpayne@avint4.avionics.itt.com
Sound Off:
- Fox continues in its efforts to keep us from enjoying an
Alien Nation movie. Once again, as when they aired "Body
and Soul," the final scene of "Millenium" was not allowed to
finish before the picture was rudely reduced to 1/4-screen
inset and a news bimbo was barking about the upcoming
Fox News broadcast. We've become used to interruptions
during the closing credits, but Fox's new impatience is
beyond any acceptability. At least let the movie finish!
On an only slightly less annoying note, Fox also ran two
weather report crawls during the film to let us know it was
snowing outside. Why they needed to interrupt programming
to state the obvious is beyond me. Tell us it's snowing
during the station break.
Fox continues to promote the impression that their programming
is only there as filler between news promos.
- Name: Mr. Dave
- Email: DGraham847@aol.com
Sound Off:
- Continuing that cardinal T.V. rule (all intelligent,
enriching, creative programming must be short-lived because
there are more stupid people than there are non-stupid
people, and shows must cater to the stupid majority to sur-
vive), Mystery Science Theatre 3000 is getting the boot.
This even eclipses my previous T.V. crisis, the cancellation
of People's Court by CHANNEL 58 (don't laugh, heretics!!
People's Court is the epitome of thoroughly entertaining,
educational, spontaneous programming, with that quirkiness
that can only come from real life situations). By the way,
MTV is now mind-numbingly vapid and should be avoided.
- Name: Mr. Dave
- Email: DGraham847@aol.com
Sound Off:
- Continuing that cardinal T.V. rule (all intelligent,
enriching, creative programming must be short-lived because
there are more stupid people than there are non-stupid
people, and shows must cater to the stupid majority to sur-
vive), Mystery Science Theatre 3000 is getting the boot.
This even eclipses my previous T.V. crisis, the cancellation
of People's Court by CHANNEL 58 (don't laugh, heretics!!
People's Court is the epitome of thoroughly entertaining,
educational, spontaneous programming, with that quirkiness
that can only come from real life situations). By the way,
MTV is now mind-numbingly vapid and should be avoided.
- Name: Mr. Dave
- Email: DGraham847@aol.com
Sound Off:
- Continuing that cardinal T.V. rule (all intelligent,
enriching, creative programming must be short-lived because
there are more stupid people than there are non-stupid
people, and shows must cater to the stupid majority to sur-
vive), Mystery Science Theatre 3000 is getting the boot.
This even eclipses my previous T.V. crisis, the cancellation
of People's Court by CHANNEL 58 (don't laugh, heretics!!
People's Court is the epitome of thoroughly entertaining,
educational, spontaneous programming, with that quirkiness
that can only come from real life situations). By the way,
MTV is now mind-numbingly vapid and should be avoided.
- Name: GoLabonte5
- Email: golabonte5@aol.com
Sound Off:
- We need a NASCAR Network! I've heard that there's supposed to be a Racing Network in the making. Let's hope...
Have you noticed that over the last 5 seasons, that each network has come up with 15 new shows each season, but only 1 of those 15 ever just barely make it.
Usually, they all stink. I want to see some Mod Squad reruns on network TV. Well, I guess You know how I feel now. NBC----DON'T CANCEL 'DATELINE'. It's the best show on TV!
- Name: Michael St.Onge
- Email: st.onge@sympatico.ca
Sound Off:
why doesn't Much Music play more Canadian talent
- Name: Mick G
- Email: FUHKINAY@aol.com
Sound Off:
- I am sick and tired of NOTHING to watch between midnight and six a.m. Every freakin' time ╬ come home there's another damn Infomercial! Do you know how much those things piss me off? Sometimes the same Infomercial is on 4 different channels simultaneously, and 3/4 of the channels I receive are playing infomercials. Late night tv watchers need quality programming to watch too.Stop Selling Out! ! ! If I see that Amazing Discoveries guy, or Psychic Friends Network one more time I'm gonna shoot myself. Please don't give in to these worthless and deceptive marketing schemes. Thank you and good night.
- Name: Nikki
- Email: slody@livnet.com
Sound Off:
- Why is it that as soon as a new show is brought on, BINGO they pre-empt it. I saw the first episode of Matt Waters and it was great, now I don't know when it will be back on again. Why do TV programmers play around so much with their viewers, don't they realize this is how they lose us?
- Name: Heather
- Email: @noaddress.Yet
Sound Off:
- I would like, somewhat belatedly, to file a protest against the replacement of Chris Noth by Benjamin Bratt on "Law & Order". Despite his constant recasting of this fine show, Wolf has not placed a foot far wrong until this particular move. I, for one, have voted with my remote and have turned to other programs. Which brings me to "Homicide, Life on the Street". This has got to be one of the finest acted, best-written, intelligent pieces of television I have ever seen. I only regret that I only started to watch it this season, so get those reruns rolling!
- Name: Ray
- Email: Ray in SF@aol.com
Sound Off:
- burn all those bastards
- Name: Becki
- Email: i'm@home
Sound Off:
- Stop showing re-runs. Sure all those episodes of "The Brady Bunch" are great, but quit showing all those prime time show reruns!! They really suck!!!
- Name: billy
- Email: bhanson@eee.com
Sound Off:
- you people need to get a life and do something instead of sitting on your butts writing crap to places like this!!
- Email: YE@H RIGHT
Sound Off:
- Name: Cornholio
- Email: gizmo@cwnet.com
Sound Off:
- Beavis and butthead rule.
It rules!! It rules!!
- Name: Daniel Fl÷ckinger
- Email: danny@hall.netwing.at
Sound Off:
- Beavis & Butthead are quiet cool !
The TV echo from Austria
- Name: Paco Da Great
- Email: stickit@mybutt.com
Sound Off:
- Nikki Cox Kicks ass
- Name: Bangsat
- Email: ngentot@loh
Sound Off:
- This whole archive sucks
- Name: Jon
- Email: gizmo@cwnet.com
Sound Off:
- Any body watch Beavis and Butthead????
Tell me what you think!!
- Name: Jeff
- Email: CAL@
Sound Off:
- Nikki Cox from Unhappily Ever After is the best ever.
- Name: "Homer"
- Email: You don't need to know@
Sound Off:
- The Simpsons will rule forever. Anyone who doesn't agre will go to hell. No kidding!
- Email: N@PE
Sound Off:
- Name: "WESMAN"
- Email: NONE@
Sound Off:
- Name: Frerik
- Email: Fredrik Pettersson@express.se
Sound Off:
- It is anyone how can tell a great www to be on! (please)
- Name: Alton Burnaman
- Email: burnaman@houston.geco-prakla.slb.com
Sound Off:
- PLEASE!!!!!...no more Talk-Shows with all the dirty, nasty,
laundry on whos doing who, and fix up dates, and exploiting
all the useless lazy T.V. actors and actresses who do nothing
to earn their money. Excluding Oprah,Regis & Kathy,Mike & Matty
the rest are a waste of time and money. Lets start listening
to the children, instead of cramming this crap down their throats.
- Email: N@PE
Sound Off:
- Hello
- Name: Tony
- Email: vast@norfolk.infi.net
Sound Off:
- To everyone who believes some of these shows are real life, ie "Friends":
GET A FREAKIN' LIFE!!!!!!!!! (by the way, X-Files does rule!)
- Name: Miix
- Email: milarik@walli.uwasa.fi
Sound Off:
- X-Files rules, OK!
- Name: public
- Email: cspuhui@public.sta.net.cn
Sound Off:
- only love
- Name: Tom Marthaller
- Email: Tom.Marthaller@comm.hq.af.mil
Sound Off:
- Cheers to CBS's "Touched by an Angel" (televised Saturdays at 9 pm). In the cesspool of immoral crap that commercial television has become, it's refreshing to find a program based on Biblical principles that promotes positive morals and values for the whole family.
- Name: L & R Walrath
- Email: lrwalrath@aol.com
Sound Off:
- We are sick and tired of our local cable company (Sonic Cable in San Luis Obispo, Ca) ruining the transmission of Highlander. Every week their is a problem in programming or transmission during the show. I have missed the endings due to "blackout" for the last 3 shows, had large gaps in shows, and have seen the entire show blocked out. This is a outrage! Sonic Cable had only been sucessful in creating a monopoly of TV programming and excluding the needs and desires of the paying public.
- Name: Bradley K. Stanton
- Email: BStanton@mlstand.com
Sound Off:
- We sure would like to see Under Suspicion brought back.
- Name: SynergY
- Email: anidjar@idirect.com
Sound Off:
- Lovin' it, lovin' it!
- Name: Sarah
- Email: none@
Sound Off:
- Silk Stalkings was an awesome show that I have loved for
a long time, but now they killed Chris i'll probably never
watch again. I have waited so long for him and Rita to
hook up and now that he's dead I am just so mad at that
whole show!!!
- Name: Michael Jackson
- Email: mjackson@citylink.westel.com
Sound Off:
- What do they mean by the NEW FALL SEASON! I can not remember
the last time I saw a new episode of Friends or ER! Get with it NBC or your Thursday night ratings
will crash.
- Name: Tom Cimochowski
- Email: TomEarth@Aol.com
Sound Off:
- ABC - Get rid of the flame special effects during the Miami-Buffalo game. It stinks!
- Name: Andy P. Jung
- Email: apjung@ix.netcom.com
Sound Off:
- I hate those network created ending credits from the big four.
They are so darn small and run by so fast that you can't read them without
recording them on your VCR. NBC is really the network that started this and
I am really irritated that it has spread to CBS, ABC, and Fox. You see, for
people who records these shows, it's a pain because the credits seem to
also run backwards. The networks show the studio first then the condensed
generic ending credits when it used to be that the credits run first then the studio.
NBC and FOX also does not allow any commercial time between shows so how
are people going to record other shows in its entirety if they only have one VCR?
I would also assume that when these shows end up in syndication land and home
video that the original ending credits that the studio intended it to be seen would be
restored. Click here to see more on this and other irritating issues.
- Name: Roger Barrow
- Email: rbarrow@bbs.gatecom.com
Sound Off:
- Conan O'Brien not rehashed Jenny Jones. Why not fresh entertainment that everyone is talking about? JJ is sensationalized TRASH!!!!
- Name: John W.
- Email: me@msn.com
Sound Off:
- TV is Great!!!
- Name: Jill
- Email: ye@h right
Sound Off:
- Put Toonsis back on television, even though probably noonne knows who he is.
Oh yeah. I want to be a mud puddle when I grow up.
- Name: JENN
Sound Off:
- Name: River Phoenix
- Email: el95163@central.ntua.gr
Sound Off:
- I'm sick of crap TV series.
Only Friends is cool.
- Name: April
- Email: aoa_hiatt@emh.cidss.af.mil
Sound Off:
- This is not really a complaint. I was just wondering when we
were going to see Tracey Gold or Shannen Doherty on tv again.
- Name: John Hanson
- Email: jph3@ix.netcom.com
Sound Off:
- Television could stand to have guys like Howard Stern taken off the air. Serves no purpose whatsoever.
- Name: K.M. Symons
- Email: s0kmsymo@hibbs.vcu.edu
Sound Off:
- I hate the recycled crap on t.v. Though there are some times
when they get some thing good. But they take it off the air.
Honestly I feel American tv is only recycled crap because our
society lets it be that way. I only wish we had better and more
creative ideas, I hope soon or the tv will be out the window.
Most of my friends feel the same way too!
- Name: Chuck Rothman
- Email: c.rothman@genie.com
Sound Off:
- Northern Exposure and Dweebs are dead. Why? Not enough people watched it.
This is a basic fact of TV life: shows are cancelled when they get low
ratings, no matter how good or bad they are. They survive because of the ratings, no matter how good or bad they are.
Commercial television isn't designed to entertain you. It's designed to sell the sponsors' products. That is its primary goal and function.
Live with it.
- Name: Robert Pahlow Jr.
- Email: rpahlow@accessone.com
Sound Off:
- Bring Back Northern Exposure
- Name: Catherine Pirok
- Email: cpirok@rust.net
Sound Off:
- How could they kill off my favorite cop??? I love Silk Stalkings, and finally they get Chris and Rita together but damn, talk about shot-gun wedding!! One episode they sleep togeher, next one Rita's pregnant, next they're married and fially they just kill off Chris altogether!!! Why?!!! Why?!!! Please!!! Someone help me to understand!!!!!!
- Email: 103072,650@compuserve.com
Sound Off:
- Name: Wesley Storer
- Email: S.P.L. Spo Wa @
Sound Off:
- I really like Murder One's Ted Hoffman as a smart defence lawyer. "Better to let 10 guilty people go, than to convict one innocent person." This show is historically important for it shows how good some people are at lying to save their own skin. The public is well served. Thanks!
- Name: Danny
- Email: Danny@hall.netwing.at
Sound Off:
- I hate David Letterman, this guy is stupid.
Everytime I see and hear him on TV I get sick.
David letterman sucks !
The David Letterman Echo from Austria
- Name: Steve Davidson
- Email: leshem39@actcom.co.il
Sound Off:
- I've been trying for ages to find out why they killed
"Stan" from "The Commish"!!!
Can someone help me please please??
- Name: Sandy
- Email: mtorres@mailhost.ecn.uoknor.edu
Sound Off:
- I think the television show FRIENDS is totally overated.
I don't like THAT much!!!!
- Name: matt
- Email: allroy@inlink.com
Sound Off:
- Has anyone else seen this cartoon called "Blinky Bill"? Its
got THE greatest theme song in the world. It's from Australia.
I like it.
- Name: not a moron
- Email: gaffe@mindspring.com
Sound Off:
- Hey! Here's somebody with a really irritating, obnoxious
voice. Let's create an incredibly stupid character for
him/her and I'm sure we'll have a hit.(i.e. Erkel, the Nanny,
Jackee, and Audrey on Ellen) Help!
- Name: Dag-Erik J°rgensen
- Email: dage@alpha1.nipnett.no
Sound Off:
- MTV's Most Wanted is quite COOL! Why is it quitting soon?
- Name: Joshua Harris
- Email: jharris@hypernet.on.ca
Sound Off:
- Why don't they make a T.V. show of Spawn.They made one of X-
Men and are going to make a T.V. show of Universe comics.
- Name: keely buchanan
- Email: xfile@nether.net
Sound Off:
- I would just like to know who is making the cuuting/keeping
decisions out there! Who the heck took off "My So
Called Life," but kept on "Family Matters" and other
shows like "Step By Step?" Hello!!
- Name: Peter
- Email: peter.schneider@mps.org
Sound Off:
- I hate it they took off Northern Exposure!
- Name: Terry Jackson
- Email: tljackson@wps.k12.ar.us
Sound Off:
- I want Chris Noth back on Law and Order. Can anyone tell
me why he was let go?
- Name: BUBBA
Sound Off:
- Name: Eric
- Email: Esquibele@hshs2.dsc.k12.ar.us
Sound Off:
- Nikki Cox all the way
- Name: Jason Easter
- Email: easterja@hshs2.dsc.k12.ar.us
Sound Off:
- MTV, and the WB
Nikki Cox, and Jenny McCarty all the way
- Name: Kris Beaudoin
- Email: be1924kr@meteor.uscolo.edu
Sound Off:
- MTV is getting pretty lame these days. They don't show vidios like they use to.
- Name: john
- Email: Dlwhite@ewu.edu
Sound Off:
- I think Jenny mccarthy rules. She is a success at everything she does. She was 1994 Playboy Playmate of the year and she has been
on Silk Stalkings. This fall she is going to be in a movie with Tom Arnold
Good luck Jenny
Also my so-called life licks nuts for all of you who love that fucking show.
- Name: Clara Sybrant
- Email: mtv.@aol.com
Sound Off:
- HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Name: Clara Sybrant
- Email: mtv@aol.com
Sound Off:
- I want to talk on the chat line butt I cannot and it is really getting to me!!!
- Name: Clara Sybrant
- Email: mtv@aol.com
Sound Off:
- I want to talk on the chat line butt I cannot and it is really getting to me!!!
- Name: bob
- Email: 47585@gtsf-rt
Sound Off:
- rolanda is a fat, hairy ape.
- Name: Davis Bailey
- Email: cabaile2@vt.edu
Sound Off:
- "Rolonda" is the best talk show on television!
"Tempestt" -the next "Rolonda" according to USA TODAY- NEVER!
Be on the look out for Rolonda Watts starring on the big screen
in "The Stupids" with Tom Arnold and in Spike Lee's "Girl Six"
soon! "Stay tuned" to "Rolonda" for "something worth talking about"
and a whole lot more! Like more information on the King World Productions/
WattsWorks Productions program?
For show ideas and comments call 1-800-ROSHOW or e-mail: ROSHOW@aol.com.
or write : The "Rolonda" Show
1456 Second Ave, Suite 202
New York, NY 10021
To talk with a dedicated fan of "Rolonda" e-mail me at:
cabaile2@vt.edu. I would love to hear from you and will
help if I can!
- Name: Davis Bailey
- Email: cabaile2@vt.edu
Sound Off:
- "Rolonda" is the best talk show on television!
"Tempestt" -the next "Rolonda" according to USA TODAY- NEVER!
Be on the look out for Rolonda Watts starring on the big screen
in "The Stupids" with Tom Arnold and in Spike Lee's "Girl Six"
soon! "Stay tuned" to "Rolonda" for "something worth talking about"
and a whole lot more! Like more information on the King World Productions/
WattsWorks Productions program?
For show ideas and comments call 1-800-ROSHOW or e-mail: ROSHOW@aol.com.
or write : The "Rolonda" Show
1456 Second Ave, Suite 202
New York, NY 10021
To talk with a dedicated fan of "Rolonda" e-mail me at:
cabaile2@vt.edu. I would love to hear from you and will
help if I can!
- Name: Numlock
- Email: N@PE
Sound Off:
- Vanishing Son is the Best Show Ever
Why The Hell Did they Cut It and Lefted
Herculies on the Air!!!!!?!?!?!?!
- Name: Michael Ryan
- Email: mike.ryan@pstbbs.com
Sound Off:
- Nikki Cox, HOT!!!
Copyright 1995 TV Net