House of Representatives
Office of Inspector General
Financial Statements and Performance Reports

This page contains links to the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Inspector General Financial Statements and Performance Reports. Reports are in Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format). An Adobe Acrobat reader is required to view the reports. The reader is available, free of charge, for Windows, Mac, DOS, and Sun UNIX from the Adobe Web site.

  1. 95-HOC-22: U.S. House of Representatives Audit of Financial Statements for the 15-Month Period Ending December 31, 1994
  2. 95-CAO-16: Problems Plagued the House's Financial Operations
  3. 95-CAO-16 - Appendix B: Examples of Performance Goals and Targets Used in Finance Organizations
  4. 95-CAO-08: Continuation of Member Services Operations Threatened by High Operating Costs and Numerous Internal Control Deficiencies
  5. 95-CAO-02: Proposed New Financial Management System Will Not Meet the House's Needs and Should Be Terminated
  6. 95-CAO-21: The House Beauty Shop's Management Controls Do Not Adequately Safeguard Assets or Ensure Compliance with the Law
  7. 95-CAO-05: The House Gift Shop's Internal Controls Need to be Improved
  8. 95-CCS-12: The House Needs to Integrate Planning and Financial Managment to Improve Productivity, Performance, and Accountability
  9. 95-CCS-10: Lack of Sound Personnel Policies and Procedures Could Cost the House Millions
  10. 95-CAO-11: Standardized Processes are Needed to Create an Efficient and Effective Procurement System
  11. 95-CAO-04: Changes in Operating Practices Could Save Publications and Distribution $5.5 Million Annually
  12. 95-CAO-06: Changes in Operating Practices Could Save Media Services $1.7 Million Annually
  13. 95-CAO-07: Changes in Operating Practices Could Save Office Supply Store and Gift Shop $1.3 Million Annually
  14. 95-CAO-15: Changes in Operating Practices Could Save Office Furnishings $1 Million Annually
  15. 95-CAO-17: Split Responsibility for Equipment Leasing and Maintenance Cost the House Almost $2.0 Million Annually in Payments for Outdated Equipment
  16. 95-CAO-09: Storage Space Occupied by Old, Outdated Items Costs the House $170,000 Annually
  17. 95-CAO-18: House Computer Systems Were Vulnerable to Unauthorized Access, Modification, and Destruction
  18. 95-CAO-01: Member Computer Systems Security Weaknesses
  19. 95-CAO-03: Internet Security Weakness
  20. 95-CAO-19: The Management and Control of the House's Information Systems Operations Should Be Improved to Better Meet Members' Needs
  21. 95-CAO-20: The House Needs to Follow a Structured Approach for Managing and Controlling System Development Life Cycle Activities of its Computer Systems
  22. 95-CLK-13: Opportunities Exist to Improve the Generation of Legislative Information in the Office of the Clerk
  23. 95-SAA-14: Opportunities to Exist to Improve Resource Utilization in the Office of the Sergeant at Arms
  24. 95-HOC-24: Results in Brief Extract from Performance Audits of House Operations: Compilation Report
  25. 95-HOC-25: Findings and Recommendations Extract from Performance and Financial Statements Audits: Compilation Report
  26. Results of Customer Satisfaction SurveyWARNING: Large file - 1.5 Megs