MIT Theory of Distributed Systems Group : Home Page
For more information please contact the
group secretary Joanne Talbot .
617 253-6054 (voice)
617 258-8682 (fax)
The Theory of Distributed Systems Group is part of the
Theory of Computation Group
at the MIT
Laboratory for Computer Science.
MIT's Theory of Distributed Systems (TDS) research group works on a
wide range of problems involving distributed and real-time systems.
The work has a theoretical flavor, but is closely tied to practice.
Roughly speaking, the research can be classified into
(a) work on formal modelling and verification
(b) work on algorithms, data structures and lower bounds, and
(c) work on applications.
The TDS group is funded in part by ARPA contract N00014-92-J-4033, in
part by NSF 922124-CCR, and
in part by ONR-AFOSR F49620-94-1-0199.
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