U.S. Government Hypertexts
- U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commissions Database is in danger.
- HEY!! Protect the freedom of public information!
- White House Information
- Press-releases, the Proposed Budget for 1995, the 1994 State of the
Union Address and other information and initiatives from the U.S. Executive
- The Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform
- chaired by Senator Bob Kerrey and co-chaired by Senator Jack Danforth.
- The National Performance Review
- Vice president Al Gore's report on reinventing government,
supporting materials and audio statements from the President and Vice
- The National Information
Infrastructure Proposal
- The Clinton Administration's Statement of Intent on building the future
Net, with an audio statement from Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, and video clips from HPCC
- Technology for Economic
Growth: President's Progress Report
- A summary of the Clinton Administration's technology-related achievements
- The National Health Security Plan
- The Clinton Administration's announcement of Health Care reform.
President Clinton's Saturday Radio Addresses (Audio)
- Thanks to UUNNET for the files.
- Vice President Gore's January 11th Address at UCLA
- The Telecommunications Policy Reform Initiative and related documents
- The National Trade Data Bank
- The U.S. Government's most comprehensive source of world trade data. The NTDB includes over 100 information programs from 26 different federal agencies.
- Miscellaneous Government
Related Databases
- Links and Searches to other related govermental databases. New, and
being updated, so kind of sparse.
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