The Java Corner contains several resources including tutorials, documentation and FAQs of interest to Java developers. The Java Developers' Kit 1.0 and API documentation are available here.
The ASEAN Internet Search is an information search facility for searching and retrieving information located on ASEAN web servers. You can use this facility to locate individuals, organizations, or search for subject keywords. The results will be returned in a list with, among other information, hyperlinks to the matching resources. More information is available.
The Java information on SunSITE has been updated with new mirror arrangements. In addition to the current HotJava web directory at, we've now included:
We hope this will provide you with easier and faster access to Java information.
We've begun a programme to renew the look of SunSITE Singapore.
The web server software has been upgraded. We're now running NCSA httpd version 1.5a.