Info Access and Distribution Singapore

Database of CD-ROM Research Databases

A collaborative project between NUS & Info Access & Distribution.
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List of Subjects

* AIDS                          * Management
* Accounting                    * Manufacturing
* Advertising                   * Marine Sciences
* Aging                         * Marketing
* Agriculture                   * Mathematics
* Agronomy                      * Medicine
* Alcohol Abuse                 * Microbiology
* Allergy                       * Military
* Analysis                      * Mineralogy
* Anatomy                       * Motion Pictures
* Anesthesia                    * Music
* Anesthesiology                * Natural Resources
* Animal Science                * Neurology
* Animals                       * Neuroscience
* Anthropology                  * News
* Aquaculture                   * Nuclear Energy
* Archeology                    * Nuclear Medicine
* Architecture                  * Nursing
* Art                           * Nutrition
* Artificial Intelligence       * Obstetrics
* Astronomy                     * Occupational Health & Safety
* Athletics                     * Oceanography
* Audio-Visual Materials        * Oil
* Banking                       * Oncology
* Bibliographies                * Pathology
* Biochemistry                  * Pediatrics
* Biographical Profiles         * Pesticides
* Biology                       * Pests
* Biotechnology                 * Petroleum
* Book Reviews                  * Pharmaceutical
* Botany                        * Pharmacology
* Breeding                      * Philately
* Business                      * Philosophy
* Cancer                        * Photography
* Cardiology                    * Physician
* Careers                       * Physics
* Chemicals                     * Physiology
* Chemistry                     * Planning
* China                         * Plant Genetics
* Cities                        * Political Science
* Civil Engineering             * Politics
* College                       * Pollution
* Commercial                    * Psychiatry
* Communications                * Psychology
* Compact Discs                 * Public Administration
* Companies                     * Public Affairs
* Computer                      * Public Health
* Computers                     * Public Relations
* Conservation                  * Publishing
* Construction                  * Radiology
* Corporations                  * Records
* Counseling                    * Reference
* Crime                         * Rehabilitation
* Criticism                     * Religion
* Crop Management               * Research and Development
* Culture                       * Retail
* Current Events                * Rheumatology
* Curriculum                    * Ruins
* Cytology                      * Safety
* DNA                           * School
* Dairy Science                 * Science & Technology
* Databases                     * Side Effects
* Death                         * Singapore
* Demographics                  * Social Issues
* Demography                    * Social Sciences
* Dentistry                     * Sociology
* Diagnosis                     * Soils
* Directories                   * Space
* Diseases                      * Sports
* Drama                         * Statistics
* Drugs                         * Stocks
* Earth Sciences                * Surgery
* Ecology                       * Telecommunications
* Economics                     * Toxicology
* Education                     * Transportation
* Emergency Response            * United Nations
* Endocrinology                 * Urology
* Energy                        * Veterinary Science
* Engineering                   * Waste
* Entomology                    * Water
* Environment                   * Welfare
* Ethics                        * Zoology
* Europe                        * 
* Far East                      * 
* Fertilizers                   * 
* Film                          * 
* Finance                       * 
* Folklore                      * 
* Food                          * 
* Food & Agriculture            * 
* Foreign Affairs               * 
* Forestry                      * 
* Fuel                          * 
* Gastroenterology              * 
* Genetics                      * 
* Geography                     * 
* Geology                       * 
* Gerontology                   * 
* Government Regulations        * 
* Grasslands                    * 
* Gynecology                    * 
* Hazardous Waste               * 
* Health                        * 
* Health & Safety               * 
* Health Care                   * 
* Health Sciences               * 
* Healthcare                    * 
* History                       * 
* Horticulture                  * 
* Humanities                    * 
* Immunology                    * 
* Industry                      * 
* Information Sciences          * 
* Laboratory                    * 
* Land                          * 
* Language                      * 
* Law                           * 
* Life Sciences                 * 
* Literature                    * 

List of Publishers

 AsiaInfo                            Micromedex Inc
 CASPAR                              Political Risk Services
 CD Plus                             SilverPlatter
 Cambridge Scientific Abstracts      The Library Corporation
 Data Service and Information       

Asia's Newspaper on Electronic Information Products & Services

 Issue #01                      Issue #09
 Issue #02-03                   Issue #10
 Issue #04-05                   Issue #11
 Issue #06-07                   Issue #12
 Issue #08                     

Produced by Sng Swee Keat & Chua Jen Chian.